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Shaanxi Construction Group bravely served its employees and received a banner

Release date: 2024-07-15    Author: Yang Zitan    Source: Dijian Hotel Group    Clicks: 3248   Share to:

Morning of July 15th,The family of Wang Haoyu, the boy who fell into the water, is full of gratitude,Sent a banner and a handwritten letter of thanks printed with the words "Lending a helping hand in critical moments and being a true hero bravely" to the hands of group employee Kang Wenying,I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Comrade Kang Wenying for his heroic action in rescuing a child who fell into the water。

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Onsite,The boy’s mother solemnly bowed to Comrade Kang Wenying to express her gratitude,expressed “Thanks to Comrade Kang Wenying for his selfless help that day,He is the benefactor of our family”。He bravely rescued a child who fell into the water,Party members show their responsibility even more in times of crisis。Kang Wenying is a party member and retired soldier,Always keep in mind the education and training of the party and the army,No turning back in times of crisis、Sacrifice yourself to mobilesave others,Vividly explains the value pursuit and mission of party members,Personally conveys the positive energy of society。The pennant sent is like a shining medal,Blooming with moving light,Inspiring local people to practice and take the lead、Climb the heights。
