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Research and practice on the harmonious ecological model of comprehensive management of saline-alkali land in Lubotan, Shaanxi

Release date: 2016-01-20    Author:    Source:    Clicks: 23521   Share to:

Project leader:Han Jichang

Source of topic:Shaanxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources

Project Funds:2.3 million yuan

Research content:1Change from row to storageResearch on the severe saline-alkali land management model;

2) Research on the salt migration rules of water body and adjacent soil body under water storage conditions;

3) Research on the transition layer between the unsaturated layer and the saturated layer interface of soil under water storage conditions;

4) Research on biochemical enrichment of reed;

5Mainly storingResearch on grid engineering design system.

Results obtained:Won“2010First Prize of the Annual Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Award“2012First Prize of Shaanxi Province Agricultural Technology Extension Achievement Award