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Shenmu Pilot
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The third national soil census in Shaanxi Province in 2022 plans 6 pilot counties and 3 counties for special saline-alkali land projects,The group undertakes the census work of two pilot projects, Shenmu and Xunyang,Accounting for 40% of the province’s pilot tasks,Shenmu City, dafabet loginwhich is undertaking the project, is the only pilot county in the province that simultaneously carries out the "three censuses" and the saline-alkali land census。
July 29,The Shenmu City Public Security Bureau and the Group’s field survey and sampling team completed the “first point” survey and collection in Yangcheng Village, dafabet loginDianta Town, Shenmu City,47 days in duration,Complete field investigation,Sampling 1516 soil samples,is the first batch of pilot counties in the province to complete field work。Complete the in-house inspection on December 8 and submit it to the National Three General Information Office,Quantity、Progress、The dafabet casino mobile appquality is the first in the province,Driving the progress of census in pilot counties across the province 。
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