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The Land Construction Comprehensive Development Company held the 2024 semi-annual work meeting and training meeting08-06
Weinan Branch、Shangluo Branch conducts high-quality development seminar in the second quarter of 202408-05
The Land Construction Research Institute and the Ankang Branch formed a team to go to Shigatse, Tibet to carry out the field verification work of the three censuses08-05
A delegation from Xianyang Agricultural Investment Group High-yield Farmland Company went to Weinan Branch for exchanges and discussions08-02
Lantian County Government leaders and a delegation visited China Yangling Farmland Protection and Quality Improvement Innovation Center08-02
The group’s “two-link-one-package” village team carried out the “summer coolness” activity08-01
Chenggu County Magistrate Wang Jianmei and his delegation went to Hanzhong Branch to express condolences to frontline workers07-31
The State Council’s Third National Soil Census Technical Expert Group went to Fuping Pilot Base to provide technical guidance07-30
Underground Construction Nanshan (Qianhe) Hotel takes multiple measures to quickly respond to floods and build a strong safety barrier07-29
Shangluo Branch held a special meeting on production safety in the third quarter of 202407-25
Shangnan County’s 2023 high-standard farmland construction project successfully passed county-level acceptance07-25
Ankang Branch signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Ankang College07-23
The Northwest Branch dafabet casino mobile appjointly held a technical seminar on comprehensive management of saline-alkali land07-19
Li Zhongping, Vice Mayor of Xianyang City, and his delegation visited Qinchuangyuan West (Xianyang) Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Bay Project for investigation07-17
Ankang Branch signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Shaanxi Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering Group07-13