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[Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China·Essentials of Party History]

A century of party history,Magnificent,Magnificent,Contains majestic power and infinite wisdom。General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China,Full of pride、Inspiring people to make progress。The speech is from the perspective of the great historical perspective,Systematic Review of the Party’s Glorious Course of 100 Years of Struggle,Looking forward to the bright future of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,Grasp the trend of history,Exploring the laws of history,Take the initiative in history,Propose strategies to cope with major changes,Forging ahead into a new era,Embark on a new journey,Further indication of the way forward。

Judge and grasp the historical trend from the century-old party history,Find the correct historical direction,Seize the historical opportunity

"Although there is wisdom,It’s better to take advantage of the momentum。”General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “A country must develop and prosper,We must grasp and adapt to the general trend of world development,On the contrary, it will inevitably be abandoned by history。”“In a hundred years of struggle,Our party has always analyzed and grasped the general trend of history based on the basic principles of Marxism,Correctly handle the relationship between China and the world,Be good at seizing and making good use of various historical opportunities。”Taking advantage of the situation、Follow the trend,This is an important reason why our party has always taken the historical initiative in career development。

The trend of the times is vast,Those who follow the rules will prosper,Those who rebel will perish。In the process of human progress and development,The opening of new sea routes in the fifteenth century,The tentacles of European capitalism began to extend to all parts of the world,The world begins to become a whole。Before the Opium War,China’s feudal ruling class cherishes the dream of “the Kingdom of Heaven”,Taking a negative view on world development trends,Being behind the times。After the Opium War,China gradually became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society,The country has been humiliated、People are suffering、Civilization is dusty,The Chinese nation has reached a critical moment of life and death。The October Revolution sounds like a gun,Sent Marxism-Leninism to China,It represents the new trend of world development。Comrade Mao Zedong once wrote: "The time has come!The tide of the world is rolling faster!”“Let him live,Death against him。”“Times have changed,You must adapt to the new life of this era。”In such a turbulent era,The Communist Party of China came into being。General Secretary Xi Jinping brilliantly pointed out: “The victory of the October Revolution,The rise of socialism,This is the general trend of the world at that time。Our party emerged from the general trend of the world,Ahead of the times。”

"The right path in the world is the vicissitudes of life"。Since modern times,China has experienced countless wars and hardships,On the verge of despair,But not defeated,Not “expulsed”,It is because the Communist Party of China has played a mainstay role,Always stand in the right direction for the just cause of mankind。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “The establishment and consolidation of the People’s Republic of China,It is also a product that conforms to the trend of the times。”World War II changed the world pattern,Promoted the development of socialism and national liberation movements,The world colonial system dafabet loginhas completely collapsed。“New China was born and stood firm in this east wind”。The birth of New China,Not only has it completely changed the destiny of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation,It also greatly changed the political landscape of the world,Strengthening the power of world peace, democracy and socialism,Have a profound positive impact on the course of world history。

Our party made the historic decision to implement reform and opening up,Based on a profound insight into the trend of the times。In the early days of reform and opening up,Comrade Deng Xiaoping profoundly pointed out: “Based on these analyzes of the general trend of the world,And analysis of our surroundings,We have changed our original view that the danger of war is imminent。”“We have to catch up with the times,This is the goal of reform。”It is an accurate judgment on the general trend of the world,Our party has established the understanding that peace and development are the themes of the times,Only then did the party and state work center shift,This is the beginning of a new historical period of reform and opening up。In just a few decades,China has gone through the development process of Western developed countries for hundreds of years,Becoming the world’s second largest economy、The largest manufacturing country、The largest country in goods trade、The second largest consumer of goods、The second largest country in foreign capital inflows,Foreign exchange reserves have ranked first in the world for many years in a row,The material and cultural life of the Chinese people has been greatly improved,China has made great strides to catch up with the times!

After long-term efforts,Socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era,This is the inevitable trend of historical development,It is also our new historical direction。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping made a series of scientific judgments focusing on the historical trend: "Peace、Development、Cooperation、The win-win trend of the times is irresistible” and “the general trend of economic globalization is irreversible,Win-win cooperation is the right path in the world” “The world economy has its ups and downs from time to time,But countries are opening up、The general trend toward integration has not changed”, “Innovation is a major proposition of today’s era”, “International scientific and technological cooperation is a major trend”, etc.。This series of important discussions,Fully demonstrated General Secretary Xi Jinping’s foresight and foresight as a leader of a major country,Provides fundamental guidelines for us to seize and make good use of historical opportunities while conforming to the historical trend。Although we still face various foreseeable and unforeseeable risks and challenges,But as long as it is based on reality,Grasp the historical trend,Work hard to handle your own affairs,We will definitely create new glory in the new great journey、Create new great achievements。

Analyze and grasp the intrinsic relationship of historical development from the century-old party history,Master the laws of history,Push history forward

June 2013,General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during the seventh collective study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee: “The path of socialism with Chinese characteristics is hard-won,It came out of the great practice of more than 30 years of reform and opening up,came out of the continuous exploration over 60 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China,It came out of a profound summary of the development process of the Chinese nation over the past 170 years in modern times,It comes from the inheritance of the long civilization of the Chinese nation of more than 5,000 years,Has profound historical origins and broad practical foundation。"This important discussion,Compare the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the history of reform and opening up、The history of New China and the history of the Communist Party of China are connected,And it can be traced back to the modern history of China and even the history of Chinese civilization,Profoundly reveals the historical origin of socialism with Chinese characteristics、National genes and practical basis,It is a concentrated expression of using the big historical perspective to scientifically analyze and look at problems。

Watch from Big History,Century History of the Communist Party of China,It is the history of promoting and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。The Chinese nation is the only nation in the world whose civilization has never been interrupted。Chinese literary star River Cuican,Being at dafabet mobile loginthe forefront of the world for a long time,However, in modern times it has become a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society。Since then,Realizing national rejuvenation has become the greatest dream of the Chinese nation。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “The revolution led by our party、Construction、Great practice of reform,It is a historical process of continuous struggle,It is a mission to save the country、Xingguo、Qiangguo,The complete cause of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。”“One hundred years,The Communist Party of China unites and leads the Chinese people in all their struggles、All sacrifices、All creation,It boils down to one theme: realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。”Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Unite and lead the people across the country to continuously create new historical miracles,Create new historical glory,The country’s comprehensive strength continues to rise,Expanding influence in the world,The realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process。2021 is the first year of the “14th Five-Year Plan”,Standing at the historical intersection of achieving the "Two Centenary Goals",We must deeply grasp the new development stage、Implement the new development concept、Building a new development pattern,Strive to promote the development process of comprehensively building a modern socialist country。

Watch from Big History,The century-old development history of the Communist Party of China,It is to uphold and develop Marxism,The history of promoting the development of world socialism。General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “Why can the Communist Party of China,Why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good,In the final analysis, it is because of Marxism!”Marx 1848、Engels published "The Communist Manifesto",Systematically expounds the development laws of human society,Marks the birth of scientific socialism,Making socialism achieve a great leap from utopia to science,Started the magnificent development process of the world socialist movement。From theory to practice、From one country to many countries,Socialism is advancing rapidly,Greatly influenced and changed the appearance of the world and the course of history。The world socialist movement suffered a major setback、The difficult moment of entering a low ebb,The Communist Party of China has a deep sense of mission and responsibility and a strong spirit of historical responsibility,Hold high the great banner of Marxism,Become the mainstay of the world socialist movement。In the practice of socialism in China,The Communist Party of China insists on combining the basic principles of Marxism with China’s specific reality、Combined with the excellent traditional Chinese culture,Continuously promote the sinicization of Marxism,Founded Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、Scientific Outlook on Development,Founded Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Provides scientific theoretical guidance for the development of the cause of the party and the people。Evolving Marxism,Like a compass on the road ahead,Leading the Chinese people to overcome difficulties and challenges,Historic achievement,The face of China has undergone earth-shaking changes。The Chinese Communists have held high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the 21st century,Socialism is full of vitality in China。

Watch from Big History,The Centenary History of the Communist Party of China,It is the history of promoting and promoting the development of human society。History of development of human society,It is a film about constantly overcoming various challenges and difficulties,The history of pursuing development and prosperity。Today,You have me among people around the world、I have your community of destiny。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “The Communist Party of China is a political party that seeks happiness for the Chinese people,It is also a political party that fights for the cause of human progress。”The early days of the founding of New China,Comrade Mao Zedong once said: "China is a country with 9.6 million square kilometers of land and a population of 60 million,China should make greater contributions to mankind。”More than 70 years since the founding of New China,Chinese Communists make unremitting efforts,Unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development、Pursue an open strategy of mutual benefit and win-win,Firmly uphold the basic norms governing international relations,Uphold international fairness and justice。We actively participate in the process of economic dafabet loginglobalization,Making due contributions to promoting the common development of mankind。We actively promote the construction of an open world economy,Take a clear-cut stand against hegemonism and power politics,Continuously contributing China’s strength to the world。The world today is facing major changes unseen in a century,Facing various risks and severe challenges,General Secretary Xi Jinping has a profound historical perspective and broad sentiments for the world,Propose the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind,Promote the wheel of history toward a bright goal,Have a profound impact on world peace and development and the future and destiny of mankind。China has become a recognized builder of world peace by the international community、Contributor to global development、The defender of international order。We have created a new path to Chinese-style modernization,Created a new form of human civilization。China’s development has provided new options for those countries and nations in the world that want to accelerate development while maintaining their independence,Contributed Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to solving human problems。

Cultivate and master historical thinking from a century of party history,Harmonize historical perspective,Strengthen historical responsibility

The Great Historical Concept is the Chinese Communists’ study of history in the new era、Use the scientific attitude of history,It is the specific application and innovative development of Marxist historical materialism,Provides ideological methods and theoretical weapons for us to create more brilliant achievements in the new era。General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “It is necessary to educate and guide the whole party to keep in mind the strategic overall situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the great changes in the world that have not been seen in a century,Establish a great view of history,From the long history、The tide of the times、Analysis of evolution mechanism in the global situation、Exploring the laws of history,Propose corresponding strategies,Enhancing the systematic nature of work、Foresight、Creativity。”

To establish a big historical perspective, we must insist on thinking about issues from the perspective of strategic overall situation。Only stand tall,Only you can see far。Want to see big things,In order to plan scientifically。Comrade Mao Zedong emphasized: “Our comrades must pay attention,Want to see big things,To see a lot of common things。”“Anyone who makes mistakes in policy,It must be something big that cannot be seen。"Entering a new era,Facing a great struggle with new historical characteristics,General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “Leading cadres must have two overall situations in mind,One is the strategic overall situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,One is a major change that the world has not seen in a century,This is the basic starting point for our planning work。”The grand historical vision is reflected in all aspects of state governance。When talking about how to do a good job in philosophy and social science research,General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Observing contemporary Chinese philosophy and social sciences,Need to have a broad perspective,It needs to be seen in the context of the development history of the world and our country。”When talking about how to evaluate the May 4th Movement,General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “We must adhere to the great historical perspective,Place the May 4th Movement in the 5,000-year history of civilization of the Chinese nation、The history of the Chinese people’s struggle for more than 170 years in modern times、Understand and grasp from the more than 90 years of struggle history of the Communist Party of China。”When talking about how to view the work of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” in the new era,General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “We must persist in looking at agriculture from a historical perspective、rural area、Farmers’ Problem”,This is an important requirement put forward from the overall strategic perspective of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

To establish a great view of history, we must insist on using historical principles、Looking at problems from a development perspective。History is continuous,Cannot make research objects static。Human society has always been in a state of development and change,This is the most basic historical reality。Comrade Mao Zedong was talking about how to study the history of the party,Proposed to use "ancient and modern Chinese and foreign laws" to comprehensively view history,"It is to find out the certain time and certain space in which the problem under study occurred,Study the problem as a historical process under certain historical mobileconditions”。History is a continuous change composed of people and events。Characters and events are the product of specific historical conditions,Everything has its own consequences、The process of development and decline。Observe problems with a long-term perspective,Cannot be limited to one moment and one thing,Do not make hasty historical conclusions based on historical phenomena of a single period,We must insist on placing the research object in a longer historical period for calm observation,In-depth analysis。General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "Evaluation of historical figures,should be analyzed based on the historical conditions of its era and society,Cannot leave the history condition、Comprehensive understanding of the historical process and scientific grasp of historical laws,Cannot ignore the relationship between historical inevitability and historical contingency。We cannot simply attribute success in historical good times to individuals,We cannot simply blame individuals for the setbacks in historical adversity。”

To establish a great view of history, we must adhere to a scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts。Seeking truth from facts is the essence and soul of Marxism,It is the fundamental viewpoint of Marxism,It is the Chinese Communists who understand the world、The fundamental requirement to transform the world,It is our party’s way of thinking、Working method、Leadership methods。We must persist in using historical materialism to understand history,Adhere to the ideological line of seeking truth from facts,Distinguish between mainstream and tributaries,Stick to the truth,Fix bug,Carry forward experience,Learn a lesson。The Centennial Struggle of the Communist Party of China,Vividly demonstrates the scientific attitude and spirit of seeking truth from facts of the Communists。Seeking truth from facts is the basic way to understand the truth,In any case,We must insist on looking at problems from the objective reality,Insist on taking practice as the only criterion for testing truth。

To establish a great view of history, we must adhere to the fundamental concept of people’s supremacy。Insist that the people are the creators of history、Relying on the people to create great historical achievements,It is an inevitable requirement to establish a big historical perspective。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “The people are the driving force for creating history,We Communists should never forget this most basic principle of historical materialism。”“The country is the people,The people are the country,Strike the country、Shoujiangshan,Keeping the hearts of the people。”“The foundation of the party lies in the people、Blood is in the people、The power lies in the people。”The century-old history of the party is a history of fulfilling the party’s original mission,It is a film that connects the hearts of the people、Breathe the same、A history of shared destiny。“Time is the one who produces the papers,We are the respondents,The people are the markers。”more than 70 years ago,Chinese Communists “Go to Beijing to Take the Examination”。Over 70 years,The Communists of China lead all the people in a difficult road、Hard work,Submitted a satisfactory answer sheet。On a new journey,The challenges and problems we face are still serious and complex,The "rush for exams" faced by the party is far from over。People support it or not、Agree or Disagree、Happy or not、Promise or not is always the fundamental criterion for our party to measure the success and failure of all work。We must rely closely on all the people,Unite the Chinese people at home and abroad,Gather and inspire majestic power,Strive to walk the Long March of the new era,Submit new and better answers,Live up to the huge trust and deep expectations of history and the people。

(The author is Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences、Dean of the Chinese Academy of History)