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Han Jichang went to the Nanshan (Xi'an) Hot Spring Hotel to inspect the preparatory work for the trial operation of the upgraded and renovated area08-07
Shaanxi Provincial Three-Pop Work Promotion Meeting was held at the Land Construction Research Institute08-06
Shaanxi Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs sent a letter of thanks to Shaanxi Land Construction Group08-02
Units at all levels of the Shaanxi Land Construction Group system convey and study the spirit of the group’s 2024 half-year work promotion meeting08-02
Wang Anhua went to Hanzhong Branch to inspect and guide the work08-01
The Party Committee of Shaanxi Land Construction Group commends advanced individuals who have outstanding performance in providing services for important conferences in Yan'an Cultural Exchange Center07-29
Shaanxi Land Construction Group held the third national soil survey promotion meeting in Shaanxi Province07-29
Shaanxi Land Construction Group holds 2024 half-year work promotion meeting07-29
Han Jichang went to Xianyang Branch to inspect and guide the work07-26
Shaanxi Land Construction Group and China Railway First Bureau signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement07-25
Tang Hongjun led a delegation to Austria and Switzerland to carry out foreign cooperation and exchanges07-23
Han Jichang went to the Nanshan (Xi’an) Hot Spring Hotel to inspect and guide work07-21
Shaanxi Land Construction Group held the fifth high-quality development lecture07-18
General Manager of China United Northwest Branch、Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Tang Zhenyu and his delegation came to Shaanxi Land Construction Group for discussion and exchange07-17 mobileDijian Hotel Group held the 2024 half-year work promotion meeting07-16