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Vice Chairman Zhang Yongle of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions and his delegation came to our group to investigate and guide the work

Release date: 2017-03-17    Author:    Source: Trade Union    Clicks: 5721   Share to:


3month15Day, Provincial Federation of Trade UnionsVice Chairman Zhang YongleA group came to our group to investigate the construction of trade union organizations and democratic management,Han Jichang Executive Director、General manager attended the symposium,Xu Fuquan, Minister of the Organization and Democratic Management Department of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions、Member of the Group Party Committee、Trade Union Chairman Li Rui accompanied the investigation。


Vice Chairman Zhang Yongle and his delegation inspected the Fuping Ishikawa River Project Area of ​​the Group Company、Fuping Pilot Base、On-site investigation in the core experimental area of ​​soil organic reconstruction of the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Land and Resources,And had a cordial conversation with scientific researchers,Learn about their work、Living situation。Subsequently,Zhang Yongle and his party investigated the group employees’ home、Staff Barber Shop、Construction of trade union organizations such as employee clinics,Visited the Group Engineering Exhibition Center、Engineering Information Center。


final,Zhang Yongle and his delegation held a discussion with the group’s trade union cadres,Li mobileRui gave a comprehensive report on the construction of the trade union organization、Democratic management and other work。Zhang Yongle fully affirmed the work of the group trade union since its establishment,Hope that the group trade union will work on a standardized basis,Based on the actual situation of the group,Based on employee needs,Further innovation in trade union work,Fully mobilize employees’ work enthusiasm,Promote leapfrog development of enterprises。