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The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Regulations on the Election Work of Grassroots Organizations of the Communist Party of China"

Release date: 2020-07-13    Author:    Source:    Clicks: 4230   Share to:

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 20th, recently,The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Regulations on the Election Work of Grassroots Organizations of the Communist Party of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"),and send notification,Require all regions and departments to strictly comply with the implementation。

Notice pointed out,The Regulations are guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Follow the Party Constitution as the fundamental basis,In-depth implementation of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Central Committee of the 19th Central Committee、三中、Spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee,Implement the general requirements for party building in the new era and the party’s organizational line for the new era,It is the basic guideline for the election work of grassroots party organizations in the new era。

Notification emphasis,The formulation and implementation of the "Regulations",For promoting intra-party democracy、Respect and protect the democratic rights of party members、Regulating elections for grassroots party organizations,Enhancing the political functions and organizational capabilities of grassroots party organizations,Build grassroots party organizations into publicizing the party’s ideas、Implement the party’s decision、Leading grassroots governance、Unite and mobilize the masses、A strong fighting fortress to promote reform and development,Consolidate the organizational foundation of the party’s long-term governance,of great significance。

Notification Request,Party committees at all levels must strengthen “four consciousnesses”、Strong “Four Confidences”、Achieve "two maintenances",Strictly implement the main responsibility,Strengthen organizational leadership,Strengthen supervision and accountability,Ensure the implementation of the Regulations。We must conscientiously do a good job in publicity, interpretation, study and training of the Regulations,Enable party organizations at all levels and party members to deeply understand the spirit of the "Regulations",Comprehensively understand the contents of the Regulations,Effectively enhance the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of implementing the "Regulations"。Important situations and suggestions in the implementation of the Regulations by various regions and departments,Report to the Party Central Committee in a timely manner。

The full text of the "Regulations" is as follows.


Regulations on the Election Work of Grassroots Organizations of the Communist Party of China
(Deliberated and approved at the Political Bureau meeting of the CPC Central Committee on June 29, 2020 and released by the CPC Central Committee on July 13, 2020)

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1: In order to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Implement the general requirements for party building in the new era and the party’s organizational line for the new era,Uphold and strengthen the party’s overall leadership,Insist that the Party must govern the Party、Comprehensively and strictly govern the party,Improve the party’s democratic centralism,Improving the intra-party election system,Enhancing the political functions of grassroots party organizations,Improve the organizational capacity of grassroots party organizations,According to the "Constitution of the Communist Party of China" and relevant intra-party regulations,Enact this Regulation。

Article 2: dafabet mobile loginThese regulations apply to enterprises、Rural Area、Organization、School、Scientific Research Institute、Street community、Party committees established by social organizations and other grassroots units、General Branch Committee、Branch committees (including party branches without committees),And the election work of the party’s grassroots discipline inspection committee。

Article 3: When the term of the committee established by the party’s grassroots organization expires, general elections shall be held as scheduled。

If you need to postpone or hold the general election in advance,Should be reported to the superior party organization for approval。The extension or advance period generally does not exceed 1 year。

Article 4: Committees established by grassroots party organizations are generally elected by party members’ conferences。The number of party members is more than 500 or the party organizations under their jurisdiction are located in scattered locations,Approved by the superior party organization,Party members’ congress can be held for election。

Article 5: Official party members have the right to vote、Right to vote、Right to be elected。Party members who are subject to party probation have no voting rights during the period of party probation、The right to vote and the right to be elected;Preparatory members do not have the right to vote、The right to vote and the right to be elected。Party members are detained according to law、Arrested,Party organizations should suspend their voting rights in accordance with management authority、Party member rights such as the right to vote and the right to be elected。

Article 6 Elections should fully promote democracy,Respect and protect the democratic rights of party members,Reflecting the will of the electors。No organization or individual may force electors to elect or not elect someone in any way。

Chapter 2 The Generation of Representatives

Article 7: Delegates to the Party Congress should consciously strengthen the “four consciousnesses”、Strong “Four Confidences”、Achieve "two maintenances",Abide by the Party Constitution, Party Rules, Party Disciplines, Laws and Regulations,Ability to perform duties,Can reflect the opinions of this electoral unit,Represents the will of party members。

Article 8: The number of representatives is generally 100 to 200,No more than 300 people。The specific quota shall be determined by the party organization convening the party member congress according to the purpose that is conducive to party members’ understanding and direct participation in party affairs,The determination of principles that is conducive to discussion and decision-making,Submit to superior party organization for approval。

The number of representatives is allocated according to the number of party organizations under their jurisdiction、The number of party members and representatives are determined based on the principle of broadness。Optimize representative structure,Ensure the proportion of front-line representatives in production and work。

Large state-owned enterprises、Colleges and colleges hold party member congress,its second-level enterprise、The directly affiliated unit party organization is affiliated with other local or unit party organizations,And those with a larger number of party members,A certain number of representatives can be allocated appropriately。

Article 9: The difference between representative candidates shall not be less than 20% of the number of candidates。

Article 10 The main procedures for generating representatives are:

(1) Recommend nominations starting from the party branch。Based on the opinions of the majority of party organizations and party members,Propose representative candidate recommendations。

(2) The election unit communicates with the superior party organization on the recommendation of representative candidates,Propose preliminary candidates for representative。Adopt appropriate methods to strengthen audit control,The preliminary candidates for representative candidates can be announced within a certain range。

(3) The electoral unit studies and determines the preliminary candidates for representative,Report to the party’s grassroots committee for review。

(4) The election unit convenes a party member conference or party member representative conference,Determine candidates based on the opinions of the majority of electors,Conduct election。

Article 11: The previous party committee established a representative qualification review group,Responsible for reviewing the selection process and qualifications of representatives。

The generation of representatives does not comply with the prescribed procedures,The original election unit should be instructed to conduct a new election;Represents those who are not qualified,The original electoral unit should be ordered to replace。

The representative qualification review team shall report the review status to the preparatory meeting of the Party Member Congress。Representative after review,Obtained formal qualification。

Chapter 3 The Creation of the Committee

Article mobile12 Candidates for committee members established by grassroots party organizations,According to having both ability and political integrity、Nomination based on the principle of putting morality first and having a reasonable team structure。

Different fields、Different types and different levels of party grassroots organizations,Conditions for its candidate candidates,According to the spirit of the Party Central Committee and the requirements of superior party organizations,Can be further refined based on the actual situation。

Article 13: The difference between candidate candidates shall not be less than 20% of the number of candidates。

Article 14 General Party Branch Committee、The emergence of branch committee members,The previous committee will propose candidates based on the opinions of the majority of party members,After reporting to the superior party organization for review and approval,Organize party members to prepare and determine candidates,Elections held at party members meeting。

Article 15: The appointment of members of the party’s grass-roots committees and the approved disciplinary inspection committees,Convene a party members meeting,The previous party committee will propose candidates based on the opinions of the majority of party organizations under its jurisdiction,After reporting to the superior party organization for review and approval,Organize party members to prepare and determine candidates,Submit to party members meeting for election;Convene a Party Congress,The previous party committee will propose candidates based on the opinions of the majority of party organizations under its jurisdiction,After reporting to the superior party organization for review and approval,Request to the presidium of the conference for discussion and approval,Submitted by the presidium of the conference to each delegation (group) for discussion,Determine candidates based on the opinions of the majority of representatives,Submit to Party Congress for election。

Article 16. Secretary of the committee established by the party’s grassroots organization、The emergence of deputy secretary,Candidates proposed by the previous committee,After reporting to the superior party organization for review and approval,Election at full committee meeting。

Party branch secretary without committee、The emergence of deputy secretary,Fully brewed by all party members,Propose a candidate,Report to the superior party organization for review and approval before conducting the election。

Article 17 Committees established with approval to establish standing committees,Candidates for its Standing Committee members,Proposed by the previous committee according to the difference of 1 to 2 more people than the number of candidates,After reporting to the superior party organization for review and approval,Election at full committee meeting。

Article 18 Committee members become vacant during their term of office,Generally, a party members’ conference or a party member congress by-election should be held。

When the superior party organization deems it necessary,The person in charge of the lower-level party organization can be transferred or assigned。

Chapter 4 Implementation of Elections

Article 19 When conducting elections,The number of attendees with the right to vote shall not be less than four-fifths of the number of people who should be present,The meeting is valid。

Article 20: Convene a meeting of party members for election,Presided over by the previous committee。Elections for party branches without committees,Presided over by the previous party branch secretary。

Convene a party member congress for election,Presided over by the presidium of the conference。Members of the presidium of the conference are nominated by the previous party committee or each delegation (group) from among the representatives,After discussion by all representatives,Submitted for voting at the preparatory meeting of the Party Congress。

The first plenary meeting of the committee elects the members and secretary of the Standing Committee、Deputy Secretary,Convene a Party Congress,A newly elected member designated by the presidium of the conference will preside over;Convene a party members meeting,Presided over by a newly elected member recommended by the previous committee。

Article 21 Before the Election,The party organization of the election unit or the presidium of the conference shall submit the candidates’ resumes in an appropriate manner、Make a realistic introduction to the electors on your work performance and main advantages and disadvantages,Responsibly respond to inquiries from electors。According to the requirements of the electors,Can organize candidates to meet with electors,Answer questions from electors。

Article 22: Establishment of scrutineers for elections,Responsible for supervising the entire election process。

The scrutineer for the election of Party members’ conference or Party members’ congress,Selected by all party members or delegations (groups) from party members or representatives who are not candidates,Party members meeting、Approved by vote at the Party Congress or the Presidium Meeting。

Scouter for committee election,Never a secretary、Deputy Secretary、Selection of candidates for standing committee members,Approved by vote of all members。

Article 23: Election of Voters。The vote counters work under the supervision of the scrutineers。

Article 24: The election shall be conducted by secret ballot。Representatives and committee members on the ballot、The list of candidates for standing committee members is arranged in alphabetical order dafabet casino mobile appby surname,Secretary、The list of candidates for deputy secretary is arranged in the order approved by the superior party organization。

Electors cannot fill in the ballot,I can entrust a non-candidate to write it according to the will of the elector。Party members or representatives who did not attend the meeting for some reason cannot entrust others to vote on their behalf。

Article 25: Electors may vote in favor or disapproval of candidates,You can also abstain。Those who vote not in favor can choose someone else。

Article 26 After the voting,Scouter、The vote counter shall count the number of voters、Check the number of ballots issued and the number of ballots withdrawn,Make a record,Signed by the scrutineer and reported the number of votes obtained by the elector。

Article 27 Number of ballots returned in the election,Equal to or less than the number of voters,Election valid;More than the number of voters,Invalid election,Should be re-elected。

Number of people selected for each vote,The votes equal to or less than the specified number of candidates are valid votes,Votes exceeding the specified number of candidates will be invalid。

Article 28 When implementing difference pre-selection,The affirmative votes exceed half of the people who should be present to vote,can be listed as an official candidate。

Article 29 When formal elections are held,The number of affirmative votes received by the elector exceeds half of the people who should be present to vote,Be elected。

When the number of candidates who receive more than half of the votes in favor exceeds the number of candidates,In order of votes,Until all available places are filled。If the number of votes is equal and the candidate cannot be determined,Electees with an equal number of votes should vote again,The one with the most votes in favor was elected。

When the number of candidates who receive more than half of the votes in favor is less than the number of candidates,Separate elections for insufficient seats。If close to the quota,With the consent of more than half of the electors or the decision of the presidium of the conference,The quota can also be reduced,No more elections。

Article 30: Votes obtained by the electees,includes positive votes、Disapproval vote、Abstain from voting and choose someone else, etc.,During the pre-selection, the scrutineer shall report to the previous committee or the presidium of the conference,The supervisor will report to the electors during the official election。

Article 31: The list of elected candidates shall be announced to the electors by the host of the meeting。

Elected delegates to the Party Congress、Committee member,The list is arranged in order of the strokes of the last name。

Elected members and secretaries of the Standing Committee、Deputy Secretary,The list is arranged in the order approved by the superior party organization。

Chapter 5 Submission for Approval

Article 32 Request for instructions on convening a party members’ conference or party members’ congress,According to party organization affiliation,Submit to the superior party organization with approval authority for approval。Convene a party members meeting,Generally submit for approval 1 month in advance;Convene a Party Congress,Generally submit for approval 4 months in advance。

Article 33: Members of the new party committee and discipline inspection committee、Member and Secretary of the Standing Committee、Preparatory candidates for deputy secretary,Usually 1 month before the party members’ conference or party members’ congress,Submit to the superior party organization with approval authority for approval。

Article 34: Elected members,Report to the superior party organization for record;Member and Secretary of the Standing Committee、Deputy Secretary,Submit to superior party organization for approval。

Members and secretaries of the Standing Committee elected by the Disciplinary Inspection Committee、Deputy Secretary,After approval by the party committee at the same level,Submit to superior party organization for approval。

Chapter 6 Discipline and Supervision

Article 35 Strengthen the leadership of the party’s grassroots organization’s election work,Insist on education first、Warning first、Prevention first,Serious political discipline、Organizational discipline and disciplinary requirements for change of office,Strengthen institutional awareness、Strict system implementation、Maintain system authority,Guide party members and representatives to correctly exercise their democratic rights,Ensure smooth and orderly election work。

Implement the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party,Cliques are strictly prohibited、Canvassing and bribery、Unorganized behaviors such as running around and leaking air,Beware of evil forces、Clan power、Religious forces interfere with and sabotage elections,Strengthen supervision, inspection and accountability,Ensuring clean and honest election work。

Article 36: The implementation of these Regulations shall be supervised by the higher-level Party committee and its organizational department and the higher-level Party Discipline Inspection Committee,The implementation status is included in the inspection and supervision work content。

Article 37 During the election,Any behavior that violates the Party Constitution dafabet loginand these regulations,Must be investigated and dealt with seriously,Based on the nature and severity of the problem,Criticize and educate relevant party members until disciplinary action,Accountability for party organizations and party leading cadres who have neglected their duties。

Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

Article 38: Election units shall formulate election methods in accordance with these regulations,Implemented after discussion and approval by the Party Members’ Conference or Party Members’ Congress。

Article 39 Election of grassroots party organizations of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force,Provisions shall be made by the Central Military Commission in accordance with the spirit of these regulations。

Article 40: The Organization Department of the Central Committee is responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations.

Article 41: These Regulations shall come into effect on the date of promulgation。The "Interim Regulations on the Election Work of Grassroots Organizations of the Communist Party of China" issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on June 27, 1990 are abolished at the same time。