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Building a beautiful China where man and nature coexist harmoniously—a record of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core promoting the construction of ecological civilization

Release date: 2021-06-04    Author:    Source:    Clicks: 3146   Share to:

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 4th Title: Building a beautiful China where man and nature coexist harmoniously—a record of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core promoting the construction of ecological civilization

Xinhua News Agency reporters Qi Zhongxi, Gao Jing, Hu Lu, Yu Wenjing

June 5th is World Environment Day。The theme of this year’s Environment Day in my country is “Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature”。

Adhere to the path of green development and jointly build the foundation of ecological civilization.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization,The Chinese people are united and united,Unswervingly follow the path of green development,Beautiful China where man and nature coexist harmoniously,Transforming from blueprint to reality。

Foresight-Building ecological civilization and finding ways to harmoniously coexist between man and nature

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This is the scenery of Wushan and the areas along the river in Nantong, Jiangsu (photo taken on November 13, 2020,Drone photo)。Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ji Chunpeng

Nantong City, Jiangsu Province,It is the "last stop" of the Yangtze River running thousands of miles into the sea。Southern part of the city,Huangnishan、Maanshan、Langshan、Jianshan、Five mountains including Junshan stand along the river,Mountains and rivers depend on each other。

“We used to live by the river,But I can’t see Jiang。" said Huang Jiayong, a resident of Nantong City,“There is too much dust in dock operations,Window cannot be opened、Cannot dry the quilt。”

more than 100 years ago,Industrialist Zhang Jian hopes that his hometown Wushan area will become a "garden and scenic spot"。However,A hazardous chemicals terminal in Wushan and Binjiang areas、Bulk cargo terminal、Container terminals are dotted all over the place,Bringing sewage to the local area、A series of environmental pollution problems such as dust,Resulting in the "riverside but no river" here,Near water but not water-friendly"。

It’s not just Nantong?Once,From Bashan Shushui to Jiangnan Water Town,Sewage flows into the river、Sand and gravel accumulation at the wharf、Chemical enterprise Weijiang,The water quality of the Yangtze River continues to deteriorate、Gradual degradation of ecological functions,Ecosystem alarm bells ringing。General Secretary Xi Jinping once described the Mother River sadly: "sick,I am very ill”。

It’s not just the Yangtze River?Once,After decades of rapid development,The accumulated environmental problems have entered a stage of high intensity and frequency,Frequent haze in autumn and winter raises air pollution alarm,Reduction of fish and shrimp in rivers、Water quality frequently becomes critical。 mobile

The Yellow River flows through Shapotou District, Zhongwei City, Ningxia (photo taken on March 3, 2021,Drone photo)。Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Tang Rufeng

January 5, 2016,General Secretary Xi Jinping held a symposium on promoting the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in Chongqing,Inspiringly proposing “joint efforts to achieve great protection”,No large-scale development”。

Time flows,Zhang Jian’s dream finally became a reality。In recent years,Nantong has shut down more than 200 scattered and polluting enterprises,Cleaned up more than 160 small miscellaneous boats,Closed the largest imported sulfur distribution base in the country at the time,Repair and free up the coastline,New forest area,A green corridor is gradually being built along the Yangtze River。

“Now we often go for a walk in the riverside park in the evening,Very comfortable。" Huang Jiayong said with a smile。

November 12, 2020,General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Binjiang area of ​​​​Wushan area for inspection and research。“The dirty and messy place in the past has become the green belt of the current park,It means we only need to make up our mind,We will surely implement the joint development and protection of the Yangtze River Economic Belt、Requirement not to engage in large-scale development。"General Secretary Xi Jinping said。

Water quality improvement、Finless porpoise leaping,The mother river of the Yangtze River is rejuvenating。

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This is a photomontage: the upper left picture is on the riverside in Yichang City, Hubei Province,Yangtze River finless porpoises playing in the water (drone photo,Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xiao Yijiu on May 11);The picture on the upper right shows the Crested Ibis in the Crested Ibis Ecological Park in Yang County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province (photo taken by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xiao on May 13);The picture below shows Tibetan antelopes moving in the Hoh Xil area of ​​Sanjiangyuan (photo taken by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu dafabet mobile appGang on April 20)。Published by Xinhua News Agency

The prosperity of ecology leads to the prosperity of civilization,As ecology declines, civilization declines。The construction of ecological civilization is the fundamental plan related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation。

Standing at such a height,The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core seeks to find a way to harmoniously coexist between man and nature,Points the way to ecological civilization,Drew a grand blueprint for a beautiful China。

The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed five major development concepts,Green development has become the key to promoting high-quality development;The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly proposed to accelerate the reform of the ecological civilization system,Building a Beautiful China;The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee once again emphasized “promoting green development,Promote the harmonious coexistence between man and nature"...a series of major deployments,Declares the firm determination of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core to promote the construction of ecological civilization。

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This is the view of the Li River in Xingping Town, Yangshuo County, Guilin, Guangxi, taken on October 18, 2018 (drone stitching photos)。Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin

After inspecting the Yangshuo section of the Li River in Guilin, Guangxi,General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,Maintaining the authenticity and integrity of landscape ecology is an important task,In-depth promotion of ecological restoration and environmental pollution control,Put an end to indiscriminate mining and excavation,Promote continuous improvement of the ecological environment of the river basin、Continuous optimization of the ecosystem、Overall functions continue to improve。

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Aerial view of Yu Village, Tianhuangping Town, Anji County, Zhejiang Province (photo taken on March 31, 2020,Drone photo)。Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Yu

During investigation and research in Yucun Village, Tianhuangping Town, Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province,General Secretary Xi Jinping asked them to develop green economy、General Secretary Xi Jinping asked them to develop green economy。"Practical proof,Economic development cannot be at the expense of ecological destruction,Ecology itself is the economy,Protecting ecology is developing productivity。"General Secretary Xi Jinping said。

February 24, 2021,The river chief of Yiyanshan Village, Balidian Town, Wuxing District, Huzhou, Zhejiang, led a team to patrol the river in Yiyanshan Village、Cleaning operations (drone photo)。Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Weng Xinyang

On the shore of Dianchi Lake in Yunnan,General Secretary Xi Jinping asked in detail about the protection and management of Dianchi Lake and the improvement of water quality。General Secretary emphasized,Promote high-quality economic development,We must not follow the old path of pollution first and treatment later。As long as we insist on ecological priority、Green development,Perseverance,Long-term success,You will definitely be able to turn green waters and green mountains into mountains of gold and silver...

March 26, 2021,Second-grade students of the Ethnic Boarding Middle School in Maduo County, Qinghai are playing during recess。The school currently uses clean heating methods,The learning and living environment of students has been greatly improved。Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Hongxiang

These years,General Secretary Xi Jinping went to local inspections,The construction of ecological civilization is an important arrangement。The mountains and rivers of the motherland bear witness to General Secretary Xi Jinping’s concern for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation。

"Clear waters and lush mountains are mountains of gold and silver";

“Protect the ecological environment like you protect your eyes,Treat the ecological environment like life”;

“Protecting the ecological environment is protecting productivity,“Protecting the ecological environment is protecting productivity;

"If a person does not let down the green mountains, the green mountains will never let down people";

"Coordinate the management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand systems";


Sounding words,Shines the light of Xi Jinping’s ecological civilization thought,Guiding the continuous advancement of the construction of beautiful China。

Yao Zuyuan (first from right) planting trees with his family (photo taken on July 13, 2019)。Huoshaodian Town, Liuba County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, deep in the Qinling Mountains,The story of five generations of the Yao family who spent 70 years cultivating the Qinling Mountains is well-known in the local area,Famous story。Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Tao Ming

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,my country’s integrated management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand,Carried out a series of fundamental activities、Pioneering、Long-term work,Great determination、Very powerful、The results are unprecedented,The construction of ecological civilization has been historic from recognition to practice、Turning point、Global changes。

May 26 this year,The Ministry of Ecology and Environment officially released the "2020 China Ecological Environment Status Bulletin"。This is a green report,The key ecological and environmental goals and tasks in 2020 and the “13th Five-Year Plan” have been successfully exceeded,The quality of the national ecological environment has improved significantly。

Ships traveling in the waters of Yangluo Port Area, Wuhan City, Hubei Province (photo taken on August 13, 2018,Drone photo)。Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xiao Yijiu

More blue sky,The proportion of good days in cities at prefecture level and above nationwide increased to 87%;The river is clearer,The proportion of good surface water sections increased to 83.4%;Homeland is more beautiful,The total number of nature reserves at all levels and types has reached 1.180,000 places...

Behind the green answer sheet,It is a firm step for China, the largest developing country, to embark on the road of green development,It is the unremitting efforts of 1.4 billion Chinese people to promote green transformation with practical actions。

On the battlefield against smog,More than 25 million households in northern my country have implemented clean heating renovations,More than 24 million yellow label vehicles have been phased out across the country、Old car,229 steel companies 6.200 million tons of crude steel production capacity implemented ultra-low emission transformation,Comprehensive rectification of scattered, disorderly and polluting enterprises and clusters,Steel in mobilemany places、Coal and other backward production capacities have been eliminated...

To protect the everlasting clear water,Farmers put away cages and return rivers and lakes to nature,Rapid advancement of urban sewage pipe network,Sewage treatment capacity continues to improve,Chemical enterprises along the Yangtze River are "relocated"...

Guard the road to green development with institutional power。In recent years,Environmental Protection Law、Environmental Protection Tax Law and Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law、Laws such as the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law and the Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Law are more complete。Reform plans involving the construction of ecological civilization have been introduced,Especially the “sharp sword” of the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate,The green waters and green mountains that protect the motherland。

“China will increase its nationally determined contributions,Adopt more powerful policies and measures,Carbon dioxide emissions strive to peak before 2030,Strive to achieve carbon neutrality before 2060。”

September 22, 2020,President Xi Jinping made a solemn commitment at the general debate of the 75th United Nations General Assembly,Sends a strong signal to the world that China is determined to pursue the path of green development。

It takes a long time to achieve success—the construction of a beautiful China takes solid steps

Changkou Village, Gaotang Town, Jiangle County, Sanming City, Fujian Province, taken on November 20, 2020 (drone photo)。Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Song Weiwei

Changkou Village, Gaotang Town, Jiangle County, Sanming City, Fujian Province。Under the summer sun,Jinxi River flows slowly from the entrance of the village,There are thousands of acres of natural broad-leaved forest on the shore。Village party secretary Zhang Linshun sat under a big tree in the village and told reporters: "Not a single tree in our village has been cut down,I earned more than 140,000 yuan by selling carbon tickets。”

He still remembers,When I was a child, I used to go up the mountain with my elders to cut down trees。Due to excessive logging over the years,There were no mature trees on the mountain。Since 2003,Sanming City explores forestry property rights system reform,Junlin Daoren” reform、Junlin Daoren” reform,Achieved "Mountain Determination"、Tree root、People are at ease”。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Sanming City begins to explore the value realization mechanism of ecological products,The concept of planting trees and protecting forests is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people。

Not long ago,Changkou Village and Yubang Village, Xiamao Town, Shaxian District, Sanming City held the Sanming Forestry Carbon Ticket Issuance Ceremony,Issue the first batch of 5 forestry carbon tickets,Total carbon sink 29715 tons。The carbon ticket received by Zhang Linshun involves 3197 acres of ecological public welfare forest in Changkou Village。

According to Chen Meigao, Deputy Director of Sanming Forestry Bureau,Carbon tickets are carbon emission reductions calculated based on the incremental growth of forest trees,Issued to the forest owner in the form of a "ticket",Thus turning "air" into tradable、Can be collected and stored、"Real money" that can be loaned。

"As long as the forest is under good control,The forest owner can obtain a steady stream of income。" Chen Meigao said。

From cutting trees for a living to protecting forests to increase income,The development of Changkou Village is a window,Illustrated the tremendous changes that have taken place in China under the leadership of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Ecological Civilization。This is a major change in the concept of development,Guiding us to firmly embark on the road of ecological civilization、Practical actions to build a beautiful China。

May 30, 2021,Tourists visiting Tianbaozhai Scenic Area in Cixian County, Handan City, Hebei Province。Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Xiao

Cixian County, Hebei Province, once prosperous due to coal,Responding to national overcapacity reduction、Policy arrangements such as delineating ecological red lines,Determined to close many coal mines,Relying on unique ecological resources,Vigorously develop “beautiful economy”,Creating an ecological priority、New way of green development。

The beauty of ecology spurs development changes。2020,Cixian County receives more than 7 million tourists throughout the year,18% increase,Total tourism revenue increased by 19.4%。

Shenzhen Special Economic Zone coordinates the promotion of Maozhou River、Remediation of heavily polluted rivers represented by Shenzhen River,And use this as a guide to improve the overall surrounding environment,Achieve the elimination of black and smelly water bodies in the city。

This is the Maozhou River in Shenzhen after water control taken on June 15, 2020 (drone photo)。Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Deng Hua

Resident Huang Yaotang, who is in his 70s, recalled,The Maozhou River water used to be “blacker than ink,Thicker than petroleum”。Since 2016,Shenzhen uses embroidery skills to promote rainwater and sewage diversion、Source governance,Residents found that “Maozhou River has become clearer and more beautiful,There are egrets flying over from time to time”。Today,Farewell to local clutter、Embracing the high-end,Built multiple environmental protection technology innovation industrial parks。

Lands, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand are a community of life。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,With the further advancement of ecological civilization construction,The shortcomings in the ecological environment are being made up for,The institutional and institutional ice that hinders green development is melting,Paint a beautiful picture of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature。

Three North Protection Forest、Natural forest protection、A series of major ecological projects such as returning farmland to forests and grasslands are in depth progress。During the “13th Five-Year Plan”,my country’s forest coverage rate increased to 23.04%,Forest volume exceeds 17.5 billion cubic meters,Maintaining “double growth” for 30 consecutive years,Becoming the country with the largest increase in forest resources。

Accelerate the establishment of a natural protected area system with national parks as the main body,The national park system pilot work is rationalizing the management system、Strengthening ecological protection and restoration and achieving phased results。

Rice fields in Majigou Village, Huanghaojie Town, Jingbian County, Shaanxi Province, taken on September 26, 2020 (drone photo)dafabet mobile app。In recent years,Jingbian County implemented the "Three North" protective forest、Convert farmland to forest、Ecological construction projects such as watershed management,The exposed sand in the northern desert area has completely disappeared,The forest network of farmland in central China is shady,The southern mountainous areas are full of green in summer。Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Tao Ming

River Chief System、The lake chief system is fully established,rivers by rivers、Each lake has its own guardian,A large number of folk river chiefs、Lake chief enthusiastically takes up the post。

January this year,General Office of the CPC Central Committee、The General Office of the State Council released the "Opinions on Comprehensive Implementation of the Forest Chief System",Proposed to ensure the full establishment of the forest chief system by June 2022,This means that all forests and grasslands in our country will have exclusive guardians。

More and more rare and endangered wild animals and plants are getting better protection: crested ibis from 7 when discovered,Restored to more than 5,000;Tibetan antelopes have recovered from tens of thousands to more than 300,000 now;The flagship species of the Yangtze River, the Yangtze finless porpoise, is "going home"...

In the heart of the General Secretary, there are two rivers that are particularly important.

One is the Yangtze River - "Together we will ensure great protection",No large-scale development”,A wake-up call to the rapid development of provinces and cities along the Yangtze River。Afterwards,General Secretary Xi Jinping has inspected the Yangtze River many times,Proposed that the Yangtze River Economic Belt should develop an ecological priority、New way of green development。

One is the Yellow River - from August 2019 to June 2020,General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the Yellow River 4 times。September 2019,General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin,Elevate ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin to a major national strategy。

Today,The Yangtze River disease is gradually disappearing,Final porpoise appears frequently,Fish flying shallow bottom。Provinces along the Yellow River are also making great strides towards higher quality development。

National voluntary tree planting is in full swing,Wildlife protection volunteers are active in rural mountains and forests,Domestic waste classification has become a new trend...all over the country,People are using their sweat to water and cultivate a common green home。

Crafting a new chapter - laying a solid ecological and environmental foundation for starting a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country

Waterbirds chirping in the wind,The reeds and willow bushes are lush and green...Hulun Lake once shrank,With the implementation of a series of restoration and treatment projects in recent years,The water area is expanding year by year,Wetland ecology is gradually restored。

Hou Yuguang, a herdsman in his fifties, has lived near Hulun Lake since he was a child。He witnessed the shrinkage and recovery of the lake with his own eyes。

“When I was young,The family’s cattle and sheep often go to the lake to drink water。Later the environment deteriorated,There is almost no grass around the lake,The bird is gone too。"Hou Yuguang told reporters,The ecology is now better,The sand is invisible,The birds and fish are also back。

Living among green mountains and clear waters is a common wish of people.

This is a waterbird on the shore of Hulun Lake taken on August 28, 2019 (drone photo)。Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Shen Bohan

After unremitting efforts,my country’s ecological environment quality continues to improve。Must be seen clearly at the same time,There are many challenges in the construction of ecological civilization in my country、Great pressure、Prominent contradictions,There are still many difficulties to overcome、Hard bones to gnaw、Stubborn diseases need to be cured,The situation is still very serious。

"Ecological environment restoration and improvement,It is a process that requires long-term and hard work,It can’t be achieved overnight,Must persevere、Work hard and be promising。”General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during the 29th collective study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee。

Entering a new stage of development,In-depth implementation of the new development concept,Accelerate the construction of a new development pattern,To strengthen the construction of ecological civilization、Accelerating the promotion of green and low-carbon development puts forward new requirements。

——Making "achieving new progress in ecological civilization construction" one of the main goals of economic and social development during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period;

——will “widely form a green production and lifestyle,Carbon emissions have declined steadily after peaking,The ecological environment has fundamentally improved,The goal of building a beautiful China has been basically achieved”,As one of the long-term goals to basically realize socialist modernization by 2035;

——In the "14th Five-Year Plan" Outline,Dedicated article on “Promoting Green Development,Make specific arrangements and arrangements to promote the harmonious coexistence between man and nature,Clearly requires the implementation of sustainable development strategy,Promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development,Building a Beautiful China。

The blueprint has been drawn, and hard work will create brilliance.

Start a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country,Promote high-quality development,Create high-quality life,my country’s ecological environment protection requires more arduous efforts。

August 25, 2020,Residents send domestic waste to the Love and Environmental Protection House in Hepingnan Street, Meilan District, Haikou City,Exchange trash for paper towels、Soap and other daily necessities。Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Cheng

“14th Five-Year Plan” period,my country’s ecological civilization construction has entered a strategic direction focusing on carbon reduction、Promote synergy in pollution reduction and carbon reduction、Promote comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development、The critical period to realize the improvement of ecological environment quality from quantitative change to qualitative change。

"Achieve carbon peak、Carbon neutrality is a broad and profound economic and social systemic change,To reach the peak of carbon、Incorporate carbon neutrality into the overall layout of ecological civilization construction,Take out the energy to grasp the iron mark,Achieve carbon dafabet mobile apppeak before 2030 as scheduled、Goal of carbon neutrality by 2060。”March 15 this year,General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed when presiding over the ninth meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Commission。

——Accelerating the green transformation of development methods,Adhere to ecological priority、Green development,Strictly control the construction of high energy consumption and high emission projects,Intensify efforts to adjust the cargo transportation structure,Promote green and low-carbon development in the construction field,Strengthen energy conservation and environmental protection industries。

——Coordinated promotion of pollution reduction and carbon reduction,Focusing on improving the quality of the ecological environment,In-depth fight against pollution。

——Actively promote the response to climate change,Promote the formulation of an action plan to peak carbon emissions before 2030。

——Improving green and low-carbon policies and market systems,Strengthening legal and policy guarantees for green development。

——Extensive cultivation of green and low-carbon lifestyle,Promote the green and low-carbon awareness of the whole society,Through Lifestyle Green Revolution,Forced to promote green transformation of production methods and supply。

“We will lead the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development,Taking pollution reduction and carbon reduction as the main focus,Accelerate the formation of an industrial structure that conserves resources and protects the environment、Production method、Lifestyle、Spatial pattern,Unswervingly prioritize ecology、Green, low-carbon, high-quality development path。" Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment said。

Good start to the year、A good start,Important to the construction of a beautiful China。

May 21 this year,General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the 19th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms,Deliberated and adopted the "Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Ecological Protection Compensation System"。

The meeting pointed out,We must focus on accelerating the promotion of green and low-carbon development、Promote comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development,Improving the classified compensation system,Strengthen the coordination and linkage of compensation policies,Coordinate compensation funds from various channels,Implement comprehensive compensation,Promote the overall protection of the ecological environment。

New tasks give new missions, and new journeys show new achievements.

In-depth implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization,Comprehensive implementation of the Party Central Committee、Decision-making and deployment of the State Council,Down to earth、Face the difficulties,We will definitely be able to promote high-quality economic development with high-level protection of the ecological environment,Illuminating the road ahead with the light of ecological civilization,Promote the sustainable development of the Chinese nation。(Participating reporter: Zhang Yizhi)