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Xi Jinping’s keynote speech at the Summit of the Communist Party of China and World Political Party Leaders (full text)

Release date: 2021-07-07    Author:    Source:    Clicks: 3449   Share to:

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 6

Strengthen cooperation between political parties and seek common happiness for the people
——Keynote speech at the Summit of the Communist Party of China and World Political Party Leaders
(July 6, 2021, Beijing)
General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee、President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping

Dear political party leaders,

Ladies, gentlemen, friends:

I am very happy to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China,With more than 500 leaders of political parties and political organizations from more than 160 countries、More than 10,000 representatives of political parties and all walks of life gathered in the "cloud",Discuss the important proposition of "seeking happiness for the people and the responsibility of the political party"。This period,More than 600 political parties and political organizations in more than 170 countries sent more than 1,500 congratulatory messages on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China,Express friendly feelings and best wishes to the Communist Party of China。On behalf of the Communist Party of China,I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone!

a few days ago,We hold a conference,Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China。100 years,The Communist Party of China unites and leads the Chinese people to continue their struggle,Promote the Chinese nation to usher in a new era of standing up、The great leap from becoming rich to becoming strong。100 years,The Communist Party of China insists that the Chinese people and the people of all countries in the world share a common destiny,Grasp the direction of China’s development in the overall world situation and the trend of the times、Promote common development and prosperity of all countries。

Historic achievements made by the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people,We cannot do without the strong support of people all over the world。Here,I represent the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people,xiangcaan、Support、Help the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Revolution、Construction、Political parties in various countries for reform、People and friends,Express sincere gratitude!

Ladies, gentlemen, friends!

The world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century,Multipolar world、Economic globalization is undergoing profound changes,Countries are interconnected、Interdependence、Influence each other more closely。In order to cope with the challenge of dafabet loginthe new coronavirus epidemic、Promote economic recovery、Maintain world stability,The international community has made arduous efforts,Parties in various countries have made active explorations,Demonstrates responsibility。At the same time,Wars and conflicts are still continuing in some places,Famine and disease are still prevalent,The estrangement and opposition are still deepening,People from all over the world have a stronger voice to pursue a happy life。

Today,Human society is once again faced with the historical juncture of where to go,Is it hostility and confrontation or mutual respect?Should it be closed decoupling or open cooperation?Is it a zero-sum game or a mutually beneficial win-win situation?The choice is in our hands,The responsibility is on our shoulders。

The earth is a home,The earth is a home。Facing common challenges,No one or any country can survive alone,Human beings can only work together as one heart、The way out is harmony and symbiosis。Political parties are an important force in promoting human progress,To anchor the correct direction,Take the responsibility to seek happiness for the people、Historical responsibility for the progress of mankind。I think,Political parties should strive to achieve the following points。

First,We must take the responsibility of leading the way,Grasp and shape the common future of mankind。People desire prosperity and well-being,Desire for fairness and justice。A big era requires a big pattern,The big picture calls for a big mind。From the perspective of “country first”,The world is small and crowded,It’s always “fierce competition”。From the perspective of a shared destiny,The world is broad and broad,There are opportunities for cooperation everywhere。We must listen to the people,Follow the trend of the times,Promote countries to strengthen mobilecoordination and cooperation,Unify the interests of the people of this country with the interests of the people of all countries in the world,Move towards building a community with a shared future for mankind。

Second,We must shoulder the responsibility of building consensus,Adhere to and promote the common values ​​of all mankind。History of various countries、Culture、System、Different levels of development,But people of all countries pursue peace、Democracy、Fair、Justice、Democracy、The common value of freedom for all mankind。We must be highly responsible for the future and destiny of mankind,Be an advocate of common values ​​for all mankind,Understand the value connotation of different civilizations with a broad mind,Respect the exploration of value realization paths by people from different countries,Make the common values ​​of all mankind concrete、Realistically reflected in the practice of realizing the interests of the people of the country。

Third,We must shoulder the responsibility of promoting development,Let development results benefit people of all countries more and more equitably。Development is the key to people’s happiness。On the road of human pursuit of happiness,A country、No nation can be left behind。All countries in the world、All ethnic groups should enjoy equal development opportunities and rights。We must face the gap between rich and poor、Major practical issues such as the development gap,Focus on less developed countries and regions,Care for the poor,Let every piece of land breed hope。The ancient Chinese said: "He who adapts to himself and forgets others,Abandoned by people;Those who deny themselves and establish others,Weared by all。”Development is the right of all countries in the world,Instead of a patent from a few countries。We must promote countries to strengthen development cooperation、People of all countries share the fruits of development,Promote fairness in global development、Validity、Cooperativity,Commonly oppose anyone’s technical blockade、Technology Gap、Development decoupling。I believe,Anything to mobilehinder the development of other countries、Political manipulation that threatens the lives of people in other countries is unpopular,It will be in vain!

Fourth,We must shoulder the responsibility of strengthening cooperation,Working together to address global risks and challenges。Facing the COVID-19 epidemic that is still raging,We must adhere to scientific policies,Advocating unity and cooperation,Bridging the “Immunity Gap”,Oppose politicizing the epidemic、Virus labeling,Work together to build a human health community。Facing terrorism and other common enemies of mankind,We must cooperate for security、Seeking stability,Build a safe “fence” together。Facing the fragile ecological environment,We must insist on respecting nature、Follow nature、Protect nature,Build a green home together。Facing the severe challenges climate change brings to human survival and development,We must have the courage to take responsibility、Work together,Working together to find a harmonious coexistence between man and nature。

Fifth,We must take the responsibility of improving governance,Continuously enhance the ability to seek happiness for the people。The paths to happiness are not the same,People of all countries have the right to choose their own development paths and institutional models,This itself is the proper meaning of people’s happiness。Democracy is also the right of people of all countries,Instead of a patent from a few countries。There are many ways to achieve democracy,It is impossible to be the same。A country is democratic but not democratic,Let the people of this country be the judge,It cannot be decided by a few people!We need to strengthen exchanges and mutual learning,Improve the communication mechanism、Grasp social conditions and public opinion、Sound organizational system、Improve governance capabilities,Promote the construction of democratic politics suitable for the country’s national conditions,Continuously improve the ability and effectiveness of seeking happiness for the people。

Ladies, gentlemen, friends!

Seeking happiness for the people,This is the original intention that the Communist Party of China has always adhered to。Today,China has achieved the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects,Started a new journey to comprehensively build a modern socialist country,Chinese people’s sense of gain、Happiness、The sense of security continues to improve。Run China's affairs well,Let more than 1.4 billion Chinese people live a better life,The noble cause of promoting peace and development of mankind,This is the unswerving goal of the Communist Party of China。The Communist Party of China will adhere to the people-centered development idea,Thinking about the profound proposition of national rejuvenation and human progress in the grand dimension of time and space,Unite and lead the Chinese people in pursuit、Forge ahead,Create a better future。

History tells us,Embrace the world,Only then can we embrace tomorrow;Working together,Only in this way can we move forward steadily。The Communist Party of China is willing to work together with political parties in various countries,Let dreams come true,Let actions create the future,Always be a builder of world peace、Contributor to global development、The defender of international order。

——The Communist Party of China will unite and lead the Chinese people to further promote Chinese-style modernization,Making new contributions to mankind’s exploration of the road to modernization。The Communist Party of China insists that everything should be based on reality,Lead the Chinese people to explore the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics。History and practice have and will further prove,This road,Not only the right way、Well done,And it will definitely be able to go steadily、Well done。We will unswervingly walk along this bright road,Develop yourself and benefit the world。There is no fixed pattern for modern roads,What mobilesuits you is the best,Cannot cut feet to fit shoes。Each country’s efforts to independently explore a modernization path that suits its national conditions should be respected。The Communist Party of China is willing to exchange and learn from each other’s experience in modernization construction with political parties in other countries,Jointly enrich the path towards modernization,Better seek happiness for the people of this country and the people of all countries in the world。

——The Communist Party of China will unite and lead the Chinese people to comprehensively deepen reform and expand opening up,Making new contributions to the common development and prosperity of all countries in the world。current,Although economic globalization faces many obstacles,But there is more power,Overall view,Momentum outweighs resistance,Countries are opening up、The general trend towards cooperation has not changed、It won’t change either。The Communist Party of China is willing to strengthen communication with political parties in various countries,Jointly guide economic globalization toward greater openness、Tolerance、Puhui、Balance、Development in a win-win direction。We are willing to strengthen high-quality cooperation with the international community in building the “Belt and Road”,Work together to promote global connectivity,Let more countries、More people share the fruits of development。

——The Communist Party of China will fulfill its responsibilities as a major power and party,Making new contributions to improving human welfare。Eradicating poverty is the common aspiration of people of all countries,Is an important goal that political parties in various countries strive to achieve。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,All 98.99 million rural poor people have been lifted out of poverty under China’s current standards,Achieve the poverty reduction goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule。The Communist Party of China is willing to contribute more Chinese solutions and Chinese strength to the process of human poverty reduction。China will fully support international anti-epidemic cooperation,Enhancing vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries。China will achieve carbon peak、The carbon neutrality goal promises extremely strenuous efforts,Make greater contributions to the global response to climate change。China will host the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity,Discuss with all parties a new strategy for global biodiversity governance,Jointly start a new process of global biodiversity governance。

——The Communist Party of China will actively promote the improvement of global governance,Making new contributions to human society working together to meet common challenges。The core concept of the current international system and international order is multilateralism。Multilateralism should be practiced better,The common problems faced by mankind will be solved better。International rules should be rules recognized by all countries in the world,It should not be made by a few people。Cooperation between countries should be aimed at serving all mankind,Instead of seeking world hegemony through small group politics。We must jointly oppose various behaviors that are in fact unilateralism in the name of multilateralism,Commonly oppose hegemonism and power politics。China will resolutely uphold the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter,Promote international affairs to be handled through consultation,Promote the development of the international order and international system in a more just and reasonable direction。I would like to reiterate again,China will always be a member of the family of developing countries,We will be unswervingly committed to improving the representation and voice of developing countries in the international governance system。China will never seek hegemony、No expansion、Do not seek sphere of influence。The Communist Party of China will work with political parties in various countries,Promote mobilecoordination and cooperation between countries through consultation and cooperation between political parties,Better play the role of political parties in global governance。

Ladies, gentlemen, friends!

The road is long and difficult,The journey is coming;Keep doing it,The future is promising。There will be twists and turns on the road ahead,But also full of hope。The Communist Party of China is willing to continue to work with political parties and political organizations in various countries,Standing on the right side of history,Standing on the side of human progress,To promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind、Making new and greater contributions to building a better world!

Thank you everyone.