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Dijian Real Estate Group conducts project bidding and cost control training session

Release date: 2022-11-18    Author: Guo Jing    Source: Dijian Real Estate Group    Clicks: 1868   Share to:

November 18,Dijian Real Estate Group organized a training and exchange meeting on the bidding process business of engineering construction projects and key points of housing cost control。


PEThe training focuses on the real estate bidding process,Residential cost composition and costControlMadeKey points include three aspectsLecturesParticipating employeesShareCommunicationWhat I have summarized in my actual workTendering business processtoandCost control experienceVerify.Entire trainingTalking about the law, giving examples, and talking about practical operationsTight time, full of useful information, further stepsStrengthenThe company’s cadres and employees’ knowledge and understanding of the bidding and procurement work,Improved bidding and procurement business and cost control capabilities,Provides strong guarantee for the company to achieve dafabet loginfull-cycle management and control of project constructionObstacle