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Weibei Branch launches "Sending Coolness" condolence activity

Release date: 2023-08-10    Author: Zhao Kou    Source: Weibei Branch    Clicks: 1642   Share to:

To protect against high temperature and heatstroke,Serving frontline workers,Recently,Weibei Branch launches "Sending Coolness" condolence activity,Care for the physical and mental health of employees with practical actions。

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The branch combines actual production and employee needs,Sending refreshing drinks to various project departments、Mineral water、Chrysanthemum tea、Watermelon and other heatstroke prevention and cooling items,And told them to pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling every day,Make good measures to reduce heatstroke yourself,Avoid high temperature sunlight exposure and fatigue work。

The arrival of cool materials "cooled down" the originally stuffy work site,It also soothes people’s hearts,Let employees feel the deep care of the branch。Everyone expressed their opinions,I will devote myself to work dafabet casino mobile appin a more full state in the future,Contribute more to project construction and high-quality development of the branch。