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Yan Zhiyao, deputy general inspector of national land, came to our group to investigate and guide the work

Release date: 2017-09-21    Author:    Source: Office    Clicks: 6260   Share to:

Evening of September 20th,Members of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Land and Resources attending the 2017 Northwest Region Land Inspection Joint Conference in Xi’an、Yan Zhiyao, deputy general inspector of national land, came to our group to investigate and guide the work。


Yan Zhiyao in Dou Jingli, Director of the Xi’an Bureau of National Land Inspection、Group Executive Director、Accompanied by General Manager Han Jichang and others,Visited the four major centers of the group in detail。During the research visit,Han Jichang reported to Yan Zhiyao the basic situation of the development of the group company、Main business and scientific research work。Yan Zhiyao’s development of the group company,Particularly affirmation of the work done and achievements made in land science and technology innovation,Thinks that the group’s scientific research team is ahead of the curve in its research on soil organic reconstruction materials and structures,It has great practical significance for ensuring food safety and promoting ecological land construction。In terms of land development and utilization,Yan Zhiyao agrees with the group’s approach of fully developing and utilizing low-efficiency mobileland such as low hills and barren slopes during the construction of Shangluo Jinfeng New District,Encourage group companies to leverage their resource advantages,Actively explore new methods in the economical and intensive utilization of land resources、New way。

Ma Yi, Director of the National Land Inspectorate Office,Gansu participating in the 2017 Northwest Land Inspection Joint Conference、Qinghai、Leaders from the Department of Land and Resources of Ningxia and other provinces participated in the research and guidance。