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Shaanxi Forestry Group visited and studied key projects of Shaanxi Land Construction Group

Release date: 2024-05-24    Author:    Source:    Clicks: 1627   Share to:

May 21,Shaanxi Forestry Group organized middle-level and above cadres to go to Shaanxi Fruit Industry Innovation Base one after another、China Yangling Farmland Protection and Quality Improvement Innovation Center、Visit and study with the Western (Xianyang) Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Bay and Shaanxi Guo Industry Company。

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The delegation from Shaanxi Forestry Group learned about the planning and construction progress of the Shaanxi Fruit Industry Innovation Base project on the spot,China Yangling Farmland Protection and Quality Improvement Innovation Center is under construction in high-standard farmland、The third national soil census of Shaanxi Province、Work done in smart core agriculture and other aspects,Qin Chuangyuan Western (Xianyang) Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Bay planning positioning、Enrollment policy and progress in transformation of scientific and technological achievements,And Shaanxi Guo Industry Company’s brand operation model and digital operation platform construction,And focus on enterprise production and operation、Technology R&D、Talent cultivation and other aspects have been fully discussed。

Shaanxi Forestry Group’s project planning dafabet mobile appand layout for this visit、Operating model、Technological Innovation、Fully appreciate the construction achievements,And expressed that he would take this learning and exchange activity as an opportunity,In-depth study of innovative project concepts and advanced operational experience,Good management methods、Good system、Bring back good practices,Integrate and implement based on your own reality,Work hard to draw a new picture of ecological construction in beautiful Shaanxi。