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Wang Anhua went to Hanzhong Branch to inspect and guide the work

Release date: 2024-08-01    Author: Qin Jiarui    Source: Hanzhong Branch    Clicks: 1285   Share to:

August 1,Wang Anhua, member of the Group Party Committee and his delegation went to Hanzhong Branch to inspect and guide the work,And hold a symposium。


During the period, Wang Anhua was on the groundViewInitiated the ecological restoration and management project and public infrastructure project on the north bank of Hanjiang River、Construction status of Zhenwanhui commercial and office building projectListened to Hanzhong Branch’s report on production safety、Report on quality control and other aspects,forThe most important and difficult points in current work、The next step is to propose solutionsShi He’s opinions and suggestionsRequest branchEstablish firmlyThe concept of "project is king", pay close attention to project progress and qualityAnd withRelying on projects under construction, further strengthen cooperation with the government and actively explore the market.Wang Anhua emphasized,This is a critical period for flood control,Hanzhong Branch must do a good job in flood prevention and safety,Enhance risk mobileprevention awareness,Strengthen emergency plan management,Improving safety management system,Improve safety management level,Go all out to ensure the project is stable and controllable,Explain responsibility with practical actions