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The Soil Census Office of the Group held a training meeting on the compilation of the third national soil census results of Shaanxi Province in 2024

Release date: 2024-08-19    Author: Xiong Yufei Hu Yi    Source: Land Construction Research Institute    Clicks: 261   Share to:

August 18,The Soil Census Office of the Group held a training meeting on the compilation of Shaanxi Province’s third national soil census results in 2024 at the Land Construction Research Institute。

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The meeting adopts the "offline + online" method,Specially invited experts from the technical guidance group of the National Soil Census Office、Researcher Xu Aiguo, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Agricultural Zoning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Standard specifications for soil attribute mapping in the preparation of soil census results、Important link in the drawing process、Soil attribute classification、Detailed explanation of technical content such as key points of results preparation,On-site interactive dafabet casino mobile appQ&A on the problems encountered in the preparation of results。

More than 140 people from the group’s soil survey technical backbone and related results compilation units attended the training meeting。