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[People’s Daily] “Planting” green desert, “seedlings” painting camel city

Release date: 2024-09-26    Author:    Source:    Clicks: 1059   Share to:

People’s Daily reporter Deng Jianyang

Driving in the Mu Us Sandy Land in the north of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province,The lush green scenery。

Prosperous because of "ability",Do it because you can。Be determined to accelerate the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development,Unswervingly giving priority to good ecology、“Able” to fulfill the promise on the road of green development,In recent years, Yulin City has supported high-quality development with high-quality ecological environment。In the eyes of the locals,Promote high-quality development,No “ecological baggage”,Only "Green Wealth"。

Ecological changes,Reflecting changes in development。From "the sand advances and people retreat" to "the green advances and the sand recedes",From the former "desert capital" to the development of "green" and "new",How to write "green answer sheet" in Yulin?Recently,2024 "Light and Shadow China" Image Collection Team Enters Yulin, Shaanxi,On-the-spot interview to investigate the gorgeous transformation of Energy City。

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Golden Autumn Season,The second farm of Shaanxi Dadi Seed Industry (Group) Co., dafabet mobile appLtd. is expecting a bumper harvest,Bags of sorted sand potatoes are piled neatly in the field,Waiting for loading and delivery。


Potatoes grown in the second farm of Shaanxi Dadi Seed Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. usher in a bumper harvest。Photo by Chen Baiquan

Hard to imagine,This land was a barren sand dune more than ten years ago,What changed here?

Technological innovation turns "sand" into fields.

“We use the scientific research results of ‘key technology and engineering application of compounding arsenic sandstone and sand to form soil and cultivate fields’,Organically reconstructed the soil of the deserted land,Effectively solve the problem of wind dust caused by arsenic sandstone、It is easy to see water loss and sand leakage and fertilizer leakage、Problems such as difficulty in forming agglomerate structure,It is possible to turn sandy land into fertile farmland。" said Zhang Yuliang, chief engineer of the Northwest Branch of Shaanxi Land Engineering Construction Group Co., Ltd.。

What is the effect of converting sandy land into cultivated land?

“Currently, a total of 3,600 acres of potatoes are grown on the farm,The average potato yield per acre is 5.About 5 tons。" said Liu Zhaofeng, director of the second farm of Shaanxi Dadi Seed Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.,“We will also transform sprinkler irrigation into intelligent integrated drippers,Can save more than 30% of water every year,Save fertilizer use by more than 20%。”

Increase production,We must continue to carry out scientific research。“Aiming at the leakage of water and fertilizer in Mu Us Sandy Land、Problems such as poor soil,We have also developed key technologies for the efficient utilization of organic fertilizers from agricultural waste,Effectively improve soil water retention capacity in Mu Us Sandy Land、Improve soil structure。Water、The fertilizer utilization efficiency can be increased by more than 15%,Production increased by more than 10%。" said Zhang Yang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shaanxi Land Construction and Land Engineering Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.。

The practice of desert control in Yulin,is the epitome of Shaanxi’s active promotion of desertification prevention and control work。Shaanxi is making great efforts to advance the Mu Us Sandy Land in northern Shaanxi、Comprehensive management of desertification in the Baiyu Mountains and soil erosion on the Loess Plateau,“Green territory” advances 400 kilometers north。

From a national perspective,Remarkable results in desertification control。According to the latest sixth national desertification and sandification land monitoring results,The area of ​​desertified land and desertified land has maintained a double reduction for four consecutive monitoring periods。

Green and prosperous, seedlings grow into "wealth trees"

Enter the 100,000-acre Scotch pine base in Xiaojihan Town, Yuyang District, Yulin City,eyes full of green,Pine trees of 4 to 6 meters gather together to form a forest。


100,000 acres of Scotch pine base in Xiaojihan Town, Yuyang District, Yulin City。Photo by Chen Baiquan

As understood,The current desertification land control area in Yulin City reaches 1701.50,000 acres,Accounting for 93% of all desertified land,8.6 million acres of quicksand has been fixed or semi-fixed。

Miaodingsadine,Carbon reduction in seedling growth。Reporter learned,Saplings grown locally can not only prevent wind and fix sand,It is also a green product for carbon sink trading。After carbon sink monitoring and assessment in 2022,The base’s carbon sink reached 3206 tons,Total carbon storage 16.80,000 tons。

Carbon sink trading makes Lin Hai make money。"Last year,We signed a cooperation agreement with CNOOC Power Investment Co., Ltd.,Traded forestry carbon sink 200,000 tons,Transaction volume reaches 10 million yuan,Forged a unique green development path。" said Guo Wei, director of Xiaojihan Forest Farm in Yuyang District。

Preventing Desertification,Inseparable from collaborative governance。Last year,At the Mu Us Desert Joint Prevention and Control Coordination and Promotion Meeting,Yulin City、Ordos City、Qingyang City、Shizuishan City、Five places in Wuzhong City signed a cooperation agreement,Building a new cross-regional joint prevention and control pattern in Mu Us Sandy Land。

"Break the siled war,Promoting Desertification Prevention and Control ‘A Game of Chess’,Establishing a scientific linkage mechanism for desertification control,This is very important for the ecological protection and restoration of Mu Us Sandy Land,At the same time, it is also of great value to China’s desertification prevention and control。”Institute of Ecological Protection and Restoration, Chinese Academy of Forestry、Said Cui Guipeng, associate researcher at Sanbei Engineering Research Institute。

A man lives up to the mountains,Qingshan will never let anyone down。Prospering Green Desertification,The people have a greater sense of gain。In Mahuangliang Loess Geopark,The reporter met Wang Zhixing, a staff member of the Northern Shaanxi Folk Song Museum who was visiting here。Wang Zhixing said,The ecological environment of Yulin City has improved greatly in recent years,Mahuangliang Loess Geopark is more than 30 kilometers away from the city,Becoming a model of harmonious coexistence between man and nature。


Mahuangliang Loess Geopark. Photo by Chen Bin

Low-carbon transformation, scientifically drawing an “industry map”

How to use coal more “green”?

Enter the power plant of Shaanxi Nonferrous Yulin New Materials Group Co., Ltd.,The coal extracted from the mine is directly sent to the coal-fired power generation unit through the conveyor belt,The electricity produced is sent to the downstream aluminum electrolysis and casting workshops。Integrated production and utilization of coal, electricity and aluminum becomes a reality here。


In recent years,Shaanxi Nonferrous Yulin New Materials Group Co., Ltd. actively develops circular economy,Strive to build a green park。Photo by Wang Chi

Why is "colored" "excellent"?

Upstream and downstream industries "cooperate",Make production more environmentally friendly、More efficient。“This production model can not only reduce the dust generated during coal transportation,Can also reduce coal transportation costs,Improve production management efficiency。" said Luo Jikang, chief engineer of the Power Generation Branch of Shaanxi Nonferrous Yulin New Materials Group Co., Ltd.,The company has invested more than 200 million yuan in recent years,The generator set has been modified for ultra-low emissions,Since the project was put into operation,Average annual nitrogen oxide emission reduction of approximately 1,400 tons,Sulfur dioxide emissions reduced by about 650 tons。

The energy transformation has a strong "green" meaning and shows surging kinetic energy.

The vehicle enters Dahaotu Village, Xiaohaotu Township, Yuyang District, Yulin City,A huge "photovoltaic ocean" floats with dazzling blue waves in the sun。Reporter learned from State Grid Yulin Power Supply Company,Xiaohaitu photovoltaic power station is integrated into Yulin power grid for operation,Can achieve 75 million kilowatt hours of photovoltaic power generation every year,Equivalent to reducing usage by about 2.160,000 tons of standard coal。


Shaanxi Huadian New Energy Power Generation Co., Ltd. Xiaohaitu Photovoltaic Power Station。Photo by Wang Jian

Go green,Strive for "new",Thick ecological background,Improve development quality。Yulin today,Working hard to write about ecological livability、A new picture of high-quality development。