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Han Jichang, general manager of the group company, went to Yan'an and Yulin to inspect the work

Release date: 2014-05-01    Author:    Source:    Clicks: 8171   Share to:

During the May Day holiday,Han Jichang, general manager of the group company, went to Yan'an、Yulin project site inspection work,And on behalf of the group company, he extended holiday greetings to all employees fighting on the front line。

May 1st,General Manager Han inspected the Nanniwan ditch control and land reclamation project in Baota District, Yan'an City,Listened to the report on the overall progress of the project by Wang Junshang, the person in charge of Yan'an Company,And on the problems discovered during the inspection and the main recent work,Especially to ensure timely transplantation of 500 acres of rice fields,Made a clear request。May 2nd、Three days,Mr. Han went to Dingbian, Yulin City respectively、Yuyang and Shenmu construction sites,Supervised and solved the difficulties in project implementation,Understanding the working and living conditions of employees in detail,And listened to the work report of Wang Shuguang, the person in charge of Yulin Company。

Finally, Mr. Han emphasized that currently,One is toClosely focus on the group company’s various arrangements for the “Land Engineering Quality Year”,Accelerate the pace of construction of key projects,Strive to expand development space,Strive to exceed the completion of various tasks assigned by the group company;The second is to standardize operations,Strengthen management,Continuously improve the new external image of each company;The third is to further strengthen production safety,Strengthening the construction of clean government,Ensure the smooth progress of all work。