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——Shaanxi Land Engineering Construction Group innovates technical means to carry out contaminated land remediation

[Shaanxi Daily] The Pure Land has a "good recipe" to bring life to all things

Release date: 2019-06-25    Author:    Source:    Clicks: 8550   Share to:

Shaanxi Daily Reporter Wang Manli Correspondent Li Jue 

May 21,It started to rain lightly in Fuping County。In a drizzle,Both sides of the Ishikawa River south of the county seat,The dense vegetation looks increasingly green,The stone slabs on the shore square are also clearer and cleaner,Not far away,More than a dozen residential buildings have been built,Towering。

With the completion of the second phase of the Ishikawa River comprehensive improvement project in November last year,The overall ecological benefits of the Ishikawa River are emerging,Also creates huge social and economic benefits。Shaanxi Land Engineering Construction Group (hereinafter referred to as Shaanxi Land Engineering) uses land engineering technology,Let the land shine again,Having different benefits and values ​​than before。

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Technical Support Brownfield to Greenfield

So-called brownfield,Its characteristics are that it has been developed and utilized、Contaminated、Partially or completely abandoned and idle,There are many obstacles to its governance and development。

The former Ishikawa River belongs to this category。The Ishikawa River of the past,Because the river is gradually drying up,Discharge of sewage at will,Life、Construction waste dumped randomly,Surface water、Severe soil pollution。2013,Zhang Yi, chief engineer of Shaanxi Construction Land Comprehensive Development Co., Ltd., and others once conducted a comprehensive survey and survey of the Ishikawa River。“At that time, pesticides were used excessively on farmland on both sides of the river,The life of local residents dumping at will、Construction waste accumulates for a long time,Residual pesticides and high-concentration landfill leachate enter the river through surface runoff,And many upstream potentially serious factories discharge untreated or dafabet loginsubstandard industrial wastewater directly into the river,Caused serious pollution to the Ishikawa River。"Zhang Yi said,Polluted water body,May contain nitrates、Inorganic pollutants such as heavy metal salts and pesticides、Surfactant and other organic pollutants seep into the soil on both sides of the river along with the polluted water,All will cause varying degrees of pollution to the soil,Seriously affecting food crop security,Even further contaminates groundwater through surface runoff,Seriously endangering the safety of animals and plants,Threat to human health。

How to manage and repair the soil of the Ishikawa River original river,Shaanxi Land Construction, which undertakes this task, needs to find an "optimal solution"。"Through comprehensive analysis,We use soil organic reconstruction technology to control and control the migration and transformation of contaminated soil,Through microbial-plant combined remediation method,Carry out river management。”Zhang Yi’s introduction,Soil organic reconstruction technology is a comprehensive technology researched and proposed by Shaanxi Geotechnical Engineering,Physical reconstruction technology and biological reconstruction technology are used to manage the Ishikawa River channel。

Physical reconstruction is the basis of governance,Also a key step。Hu Zan, a land engineer from the Shichuan River Project Department of Shaanxi Land Construction and others, are responsible for dredging the river。Memories of Hu Zan,Dug mud from the river at that time,It took two months of digging,The deepest point is 1 meter。“The depth of river dredging is based on the degree of degradation and diffusion of pollutants,Scientifically determine how many meters below is the clean soil layer。" said Sun Yingying, chief engineer of Shaanxi Land Construction and Land Engineering Technology Research Institute,Backfill the river after cleaning up the contaminated soil,It’s not just a matter of filling it out,Considering the ecological function of the river in the later stage,It is necessary to arrange the soil reasonably,It is necessary to prevent seepage,It must have a certain degree of permeability,Conducive to water circulation。"During river leveling construction,We require the compaction coefficient to be 0.93。The same is true for the filling of embankments on both sides of the strait,Rolling every 30 cm,The soil also needs to be physically reconstructed、Particle size cannot be larger than 5 cm,This will make the soil layer more uniform、Soil structure is more stable,Not prone to uneven settlement。" Hu Zan told reporters。

Biological reconstruction technology mainly uses plants and microorganisms,Techniques for soil repair and reconstruction,Planting seedlings in the river、Shrubs, etc.,The use of plants has the property of enriching certain or certain chemical elements,Or use plants and their rhizosphere microbial systems to degrade pollutants and convert them into non-toxic substances,Create a better ecological environment through soil purification。“We analyzed and tested the physical and chemical properties of the soil on both sides of the Ishikawa River,Adopted guest-land replacement、Control irrigation water volume and time period、Use soil amendments and other methods,Scientific cultivation of seedlings。" said Wang Bo, land engineer of the Shichuan River Project Department of Shaanxi Land Construction。

Platform construction to promote innovation

River management of the Ishikawa River,The application of the technology needs to be tested at the Fuping pilot base in Shaanxi mobileProvince in the early stage,To ensure the reliability of technology application、Validity and replicability。“Before and during a project,We will all conduct relevant experiments in the laboratory。” Introduction by Wang Huanyuan, Vice President of Shaanxi Land Construction and Land Engineering Technology Research Institute,With scientific research platforms such as pilot bases,Technological innovation has a basic guarantee。

According to introduction,Starting from 2008,Shaanxi Land Construction has invested 800 million yuan to build the country's first postdoctoral research workstation with land engineering as the research direction、National Land Engineering Technology Innovation Platform Cultivation Base、Nine major scientific research platforms including Shaanxi Provincial Academician and Expert Workstation,And Basic Experiment Center、Chanba soil organic reconstruction core test area、Fuping Pilot Base、Scientific research centers such as the Qinling Field Monitoring Center Station and 5 field scientific research observation stations,Constructed basic theoretical research、Common technology research and development、A systematic scientific and technological R&D system integrating achievement transformation and promotion。

With platform,Staff innovation needs to be encouraged。May 21 morning,Luo Yuhu, a researcher at the Contamination Department of Fuping Pilot Base, is conducting experiments in the greenhouse: oil-contaminated soil is artificially configured with different concentrations,Plant different types of plants,Study on the improvement effect of different plants on oil-contaminated soil。"Each researcher can earn money according to the research plan every year,Declaration for the group’s internal scientific research project,The group is in funds、Give scientific researchers strong support and encouragement in terms of basic conditions and work performance,Provide achievement rewards to scientific and technological personnel who have made outstanding contributions。"Wang Huanyuan said,Based on this mechanism plus platform support,Shaanxi Geotechnical Engineering has developed a number of technologies such as "arsenic sandstone and sand composite soil-forming technology" and "saline-alkali land 'conversion to storage' management model";has undertaken national level tasks、More than 40 provincial and ministerial level key scientific research projects,Won 9 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards,Among them, 5 first prizes;obtained 13 invention patents、30 utility model patents、21 software copyrights;Published more than 1900 papers,More than 140 SCI/EI papers,Published 17 monographs,Drafting 5 local standards,Among them, the "Technical Specifications for Compounding Soil and Land Creation Engineering with Arsenic Sandstone and Sand" has become a local standard promulgated and implemented by Shaanxi Province。

"Recently,We are cooperating with the Weidong New City project to conduct preliminary tests,Carry out research on contaminated land,Explore its safety hazards,And scientifically formulate repair methods,Rational use of land resources。"Wang Huanyuan said。

       Transformation of results to help ecological protection

The Weidong New City Project mentioned by Wang Huanyuan,Implemented by Shaanxi Land Construction in cooperation with Weinan City。As understood,In the Weidong New City Community Project Area,There are 3 administrative villages and more than 20 industrial polluting enterprises in the surrounding area,16 of them are key pollutant dafabet mobile logindischarging enterprises。“The sewage discharge caused composite pollution to the soil and groundwater in the project area,is a typical multi-source、Multiple types、Multiple levels of complex pollution areas。" said Luo Lintao, general manager of Shaanxi Gejian Weinan Branch。

As understood,Based on understanding the pollution situation and types of pollutants,In addition to research conducted by Shaanxi Land Construction and Land Engineering Technology Research Institute,Shaanxi Construction Weinan Branch also cooperates with Xi'an Jiaotong University、Chang'an University established a scientific research team,For the types of pollutants in the area、Extent and storage status,Carry out gas phase extraction、Soil leaching、Cure/Stabilize、Microorganisms、Research on plant and other technology integration。

Strengthen school-enterprise cooperation,is a way for Shaanxi Land Construction to actively promote the application and transformation of scientific and technological achievements。in the country,Shaanxi Land Construction and Chinese Academy of Sciences、Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences、Xi’an Jiaotong University、Chang'an University、Shaanxi Normal University and many other domestic universities and institutions have established long-term cooperative relationships;Abroad,With the Massachusetts Institute of Technology、Cambridge University、Stanford University、Establish close cooperative relations with top international universities such as Moscow State University,Jointly promote research on land ecological governance。

At the same time,Shaanxi Construction insists on problem-oriented scientific research、Innovate based on demand,Developed a number of advanced technologies,Successively implemented the Yulin Mu Us Sandy Land、Reduced project costs、Comprehensive remediation of contaminated land and other land types,Overcame one engineering and technical problem after another,Reduced project costs,Find out a set of scientific and practical advanced technologies。Secretary of Shaanxi Construction Party Committee、Researcher Han Jichang, chairman of the board, said: “The current research on organic reconstruction of soil has met the engineering needs of easier land remediation to a certain extent,But in severely saline-alkali land、Oil contaminated land、Engineering practice on heavy metal-contaminated land and other difficult-to-use land,There is still a lack of a complete theoretical system and technical methods that can be widely promoted。The group’s scientific researchers apply research results directly to engineering practice,While improving the efficiency of transformation of scientific and technological achievements,Feedback on problems during project implementation,And continue to organize technology research and development,Then apply the research and development results to production practice,Achieving a virtuous cycle of transforming scientific research results into industrialization。Currently,We have basically formed a scientific and technological achievement transformation and application mechanism of ‘theoretical research – technological innovation – integrated demonstration – application and promotion’。”

As understood,As of now,The whole province of Shaanxi draws on the advanced technology of Shaanxi land construction to renovate various types of difficult-to-use land,The cumulative amount of new cultivated land has reached more than 2 million acres。