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[]【Decisive Victory over the Epidemic】、Shaanxi Enterprise Responsible] Shaanxi Land Construction: Cross-border Procurement,Love aids the front line of fighting the epidemic

Release date: 2020-03-03    Author:    Source:    Clicks: 20594   Share to:

dafabet casino mobile appAfter the outbreak of COVID-19,The whole province of Shaanxi conscientiously implements the central deployment,Proactively perform duties,Quick follow-up response。The Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission organizes and launches provincial enterprises、Conscientiously fulfill political responsibilities in Shaanxi central enterprises、Economic Responsibility and Social Responsibility,Showing the responsibility of state-owned enterprises in winning the battle against epidemic prevention and control、Contribute the strength of state-owned enterprises。For this,China Internet News Center ( and Shaanxi Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission launched a publicity campaign with the theme of "Determining the Epidemic, Shaanxi Enterprises Responsible",will be available through China Net Silk Road China Channel All-Media Platform,Launching a series of reports on Shaanxi enterprises’ victory over the epidemic and resumption of work and production,Telling the story of Shaanxi’s state-owned enterprises fighting against the epidemic。

After the outbreak of COVID-19,Shaanxi Provincial Land Engineering Construction Group (hereinafter referred to as Shaanxi Land Engineering Construction) in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Central Province,Quick response、Careful deployment。Vigorously and effectively promote various epidemic prevention and control tasks,Contribute "land construction power" to win the battle dafabet mobile appagainst epidemic prevention and control with practical actions。

Scientific coordination, epidemic prevention and control, and resumption of work and production

After the epidemic,Shaanxi Land Construction was established as party committee secretary for the first time、An epidemic prevention and control leading group headed by the chairman,Timely convey the spirit of the latest instructions on learning related work on epidemic prevention and control,And strictly implement relevant instructions and requirements,Develop a prevention and control work plan,Strengthen public opinion guidance,Make positive publicity,Strictly implement the daily monitoring system,Carry out regular disinfection work,Based on one’s own actual situation to ensure epidemic prevention and control and resumption of production、"Accurate in both directions"。
During epidemic prevention and control period,Secretary of Shaanxi Construction Party Committee、Chairman、Han Jichang, leader of the epidemic prevention and control leading group, took the lead in going deep into the grassroots,Members of the leadership team of Shaanxi Land Construction went to the front line of the project to carry out on-the-spot inspection dafabet mobile loginand guidance work,Condolences to the cadres and workers who stick to the front line,On-site guidance on epidemic prevention and control work,View emergency supplies reserves,Require party members and cadres to give full play to their role as role models,Command from the front,Be brave enough to take responsibility,Take the lead in demonstrating,Unite and lead the employees to fight on the front line of the fight against the epidemic。

On-site inspection and guidance by members of the leadership team.

As understood,Shaanxi Land Construction pays close attention to the dynamics of epidemic prevention and control work across the country and the province,Use the high-quality platform of "Learning to Strengthen the Country",Innovation organized 79 leading cadres above the middle level of Shaanxi Land Construction System to take the lead in carrying out a seven-day online training and study。At the same time,In order to strictly implement the arrangements and arrangements for epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production by the Central and Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission,Ensure employees return to work safely,Investigating personnel returning to work、Registration and Health Monitoring,Actively organize the property management company to regularly disinfect the workplace,Seriously monitor and observe the body temperature of employees entering and exiting crowded places。

Love donation, cross-border procurement, support the front line of anti-epidemic

The epidemic is at the forefront,The responsibility is on our shoulders。The Shaanxi Construction Party Committee immediately responded to the call of the superior party committee,Issue a voluntary donation initiative to all party members and cadres,Party members and cadres have extended a helping hand,Fully support the front line of epidemic prevention。For masks、The current situation of serious shortage of protective materials such as disinfectants,Shaanxi local construction mobilizes all cadres and workers to do their best、Take multiple measures,Open up material procurement channels。

Purchasing protective equipment from many places to support the fight against the epidemic.

As understood,Through multiple contacts with France、Vietnam、Australia、Beijing、Material manufacturers and sales personnel in dafabet mobile appHefei and other domestic and foreign regions,Procurement meets time requirements、Medical specifications masks (France) 2036 pieces、1000 sets of protective clothing (France),On time and on schedule、Complete the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission’s epidemic prevention and control material procurement tasks with guaranteed quality and quantity,And transported to the front line of epidemic prevention as soon as possible,Enhancing combat effectiveness against the epidemic。(Dong Xuye)

Source:·Silk Road China Channel  Editor: Li Rui