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【Dijian Wenyuan】Meet yourself in the blooming mountain flowers

Release date: 2020-04-22    Author:    Source:    Clicks: 10873   Share to:

Shangluo Branch Li Wen

Tsai Kangyong said: "Emotional Intelligence,It is the sum of people’s abilities to deal with all relationships,The true meaning of emotional intelligence,It’s about being yourself happily”,“We train emotional intelligence,Not to distort yourself to please others,But to be the master of emotions”。How to get along better with others、Communication,Consensus reached,It is a manifestation of high dafabet mobile appemotional intelligence。For example,Everyone encounters some troubles,or angry or depressed,But at work,In the collective,How to control your negative emotions,Don’t bring negative emotions to others,Does not affect work,I think this is one of the training courses of emotional intelligence。We always deal with all kinds of people,If you meet someone you hate,How to complete the work with him?This is also a required course on emotional intelligence in the workplace。Willfulness is not personality,Self is not self-confidence。People in the workplace regard completing work tasks as their first priority,Looking at the overall situation,Seeking common ground while reserving differences,This is a sign of high emotional intelligence。

Of course,High emotional intelligence does not mean that we can smooth out the edges,It’s not that I have no temper、Eight-sided exquisiteness、With a smile,Living under the mask。It’s more about talking to yourself,Find your true self,Be your comfortable self。

In a sense,Everyone is lonely,More often,We are dealing with ourselves,How to face your emotions,Especially dealing with negative emotions,This is my original intention of reading "Emotional Intelligence Class"。In Cai Kangyong’s book,I learned how to deal with grievances,Inferior self-esteem,Sadness,A lot of "good stuff" about regret and other emotions,It has benefited me a lot。

One day,Listen to an old classmate complaining,The plan he worked out after staying up all night was rejected by the leader,Feeling aggrieved,When I get excited, I think of resigning,I comforted him: "There is no job that is not hard work、Not aggrieved,Most of the grievances come from not knowing how to put yourself in someone else’s shoes,Leaders have to look at problems from a higher level,Sometimes think from another perspective,In fact, it is impossible for a leader to see everything from the perspective of an employee,But think about the overall situation,If you become a leader,This may be the case。"dafabet loginAfter hearing this,Smile,The grievances in my heart are also dispersed。

Later this old classmate told me,The leader talked to him about the reasons for rejecting the plan,And tell him how to modify it,He also learned some workplace skills from it,You should communicate more with your leaders when doing things,If he could communicate more with the leader before writing the plan,It will definitely get twice the result with half the effort。

When you are treated unfairly at work,When you feel wronged,You will think of what Tsai Kangyong said in the book: "There is no need to pursue oneself to be a morally perfect person in life,We need a lot of exports,We must face our needs openly。Playing willfully,Compensate yourself,Do something you shouldn’t do,This is very normal,As long as it’s not serious,Let’s not blame ourselves too much。When my work ability cannot keep up,When criticized by the leader,Inferiority feelings will emerge uncontrollably,At this time,I will think of what Tsai Kangyong said: "An effective way to resolve low self-esteem is to develop small habits。We take apart ridiculously high goals、Simplified to a very small size,Little habits that won’t fail if you do them。Once you take the first step,We will become more and more confident to take more steps。When you continue to complete your plans,When you continue to achieve or even exceed your original goals,The whole person will become more and more confident,I feel confident to speak。At this time,If you have low self-esteem, you will naturally stay away from you。”

In addition,I also learned to treat my emotions with the correct attitude,Don’t be rude、Wrong expression,Don’t be shy about expressing。I once read the Yale Mindset Concept,Contains "unconditional confidence,Even when you make a mistake" "Don't think too much,Remove negative thoughts regularly" "Learn to forget pain,Make space for sunshine memory” “The highest state of life is not to keep a low profile,It’s not just publicity,But the consistent life creed of "neither humble nor arrogant"。

dafabet casino mobile appBe yourself comfortably,Live for yourself。The rest of life is expensive,Open your heart,Face yourself well,No one is perfect,Find the outlet for your emotions,Accept that you are not perfect。This requires courage,Need more wisdom,Everyone is independent,Getting along with others,Changing yourself is not easy,But in order to get along better with the environment、Getting along with others、Get along with yourself,The cultivation of emotional intelligence is a necessity。Read "Emotional Intelligence Class" by Kangyong Tsai,Even if a small point touches you,Even if it changes you a little bit,Maybe you can live a more comfortable life。Be the master of your own emotions,You will definitely encounter beauty,Meet myself in the blooming mountain flowers!
