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【Dijian Wenyuan】Miss the Cherry Blossoms

Release date: 2018-01-23    Author:    Source:    Clicks: 10113   Share to:

dafabet casino mobile appLiu Qi, Shangluo Branch of Land Construction

I went to see cherry blossoms three times,But I had no chance to see it,Once I went to the 10,000 acres of cherry orchards in Bailuyuan,It was a cold spring when I left,The flowers haven’t bloomed yet;Once I drove more than three hours to Hanzhong Cherry Valley,It was a spring rain when I left,Cherry blossoms falling all over the ground,There are no traces of flowers on the branches;The third time is when my friend confirmed that the flowers are in full bloom,But he returned halfway due to something unexpected。In short, it seems that there is no chance of cherry blossoms,I still think of it occasionally,I wonder how beautiful the rare flowers bloom。

The yard where I live is crowded,It’s either a building or a road,No view。Fortunately, there is a moat across the road,Across the river is the Ming City Wall,The planning and construction from Jianguomen to East Gate is very good,Fragrant flowers all year round。So,Go there for a walk every evening,Empty your mind from work,You can get to know some new flowers and plants every year。

Early spring this year,Forsythia flowers have just bloomed,Magnolia has withered,There are several trees with lush pink flowers,Not as beautiful as cherry blossoms,Not as grand as the peach blossoms,The way he still wants to talk is very interesting。I asked several people but couldn’t tell what her name was,I forgot about it later。

While walking today, I let my thoughts run wild and have no boundaries,Suddenly looked up,Can’t help but be stunned: On the tree where unknown pink flowers bloomed a few days ago,In the middle of green leaves,Clusters dafabet mobile appare full of small green fruits,Immediately flashed in my mind: cherry!That flower turned out to be a cherry blossom—a cherry blossom that I couldn’t see even after several special visits!It turns out that she is blooming quietly beside me,Speechless,Neither sullen nor angry,Quietly watching me come and go,Flowers bloom and fall every many more beauties do I miss inadvertently?

Think about it,The wonderful people and things in my life are as silently accompanying as cherry blossoms,Isn’t it just in the dimly lit place where I looked back inadvertently?At the grassroots level,You can see Jianjian people working hard on the front line of projects everywhere,They are unpretentious,No rhetoric,But he uses his wisdom and sweat to promote the construction of the project,And the families behind them who gave them great support,Those parents who could have lived a long life but are still helping their children to take care of their children,Those husbands or wives who could support each other but bear the burden of the family alone,Not like that cherry blossom,Silently dotted in the lush spring scenery,Open quietly,A lot of achievements...Fortunately, I did not ignore these wonderful things,I also hope that I can become a beautiful cherry flower in other people’s lives。