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Walking, watching, and thinking—reflections on studying abroad

Release date: 2011-03-02    Author:    Source:    Clicks: 13664   Share to:

What is study abroad trip?From the "mathematical definition" it can be understood as follows: outing for inspection and study = outing + inspection + study;From the perspective of its connotation,Really do it and do a good job in study abroad,Must go out,While walking、Watching、Thinking about it。Not to mention "learning from the barbarians and developing skills to control the barbarians",Just pay attention,There are still many places in the outside world worth learning and learning from。I would like to write this article to thank the leaders of the head office for creating such a wonderful Ningxia for us、Hainan study tour opportunity,Really benefited a lot。

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Driving on the road in Yinchuan or strolling in the pedestrian street,Ningxia bank branches and ATM sites frequently appear in front of my eyes。And all these years,Walking on the streets of Xi’an,No trace of "Shaanxi Bank" has been found,I can’t help but ask: "Shaanxi Bank,Where are you?”

The pace is slow。Dang Zheshang Bank、Bank of Beijing and others have quietly appeared in Shaanxi、When "horse racing and enclosure",Ningxia Bank has also made it clear,A branch will be established in Xi’an within the year,Realize going global、Strategic goals of cross-regional operations。

Currently,Most of the savings in various provinces are concentrated in the five major state-owned dafabet loginbanks that have established diplomatic relations between workers and peasants。After unified allocation, most of these deposits will flow to developed coastal provinces、National key development areas and some national large-scale projects。Although the support and policy encouragement for the development of the western region have been greatly improved and strengthened in recent years,But,Relevant supporting funds to serve small and medium-sized enterprises and urban and rural residents are still slightly insufficient,Difficulty in getting loans for small and medium-sized enterprises、Financing difficulties are still a bottleneck facing my country’s economic development。For our province,Some existing urban commercial banks and credit unions are solving small and medium-sized enterprise loans、Although it plays an important role in financing issues,Facing the raging financial crisis,The ability of this decentralized small and medium-sized financial institutions to resist risks needs to be strengthened,They are also facing problems such as the overall decline in operating levels to varying degrees。

When taking this photo of Ningxia Bank ATM machine,You can’t control your mood。Many ideas popped up instantly: If there was a Shaanxi Bank,Wouldn’t the small and medium-sized enterprises in Sanqin benefit even more?If there is Shaanxi Bank,Wouldn’t it be more obvious in stimulating the local economy?If you consider it purely from our company,If there is Shaanxi Bank,Whether it will provide support in raising funds for land consolidation and construction、Will you help our company become stronger and bigger?

With confusion and confusion,Return to Xi'an after the study tour,Look for clues about this matter on the Internet。As the first joint-stock commercial bank in our province, "Chang'an Bank" officially "broken out" on July 31, 2009。This echoes the time when our company’s party branch organizes all party members to go out for inspection,It seems to mean something。It’s coming out of the cocoon?In the future, our company will still focus on matters such as fund raising for land consolidation and construction,Chang'an Bank will provide active support and help?

Gathering one’s arms into fur、Every trickle becomes a river,Chang'an Bank can be said to be an "enlarged" small and medium-sized financial institution to a certain extent,It is like establishing a giant financial "reservoir" in Shaanxi,Will extend and build a financing channel leading to the whole province and even across provinces,Increase credit investment in local economy,It will undoubtedly nourish more "thirsty" Shaanxi small and medium-sized enterprise seedlings。After integrating small and medium-sized financial institutions,Chang'an Bank was established through capital increase and share expansion,Its ability to withstand risks will be further enhanced,The driving effect on Shaanxi’s regional economy will be more obvious。

dafabet loginAlthough he is a rising star,Its latecomer advantage will allow Changan Bank to dominate Shaanxi,Ride across the country。Let’s wait and see!

Hainan: Thoughts brought to me by Hainan’s economic development

I didn’t find out until I came to Hainan,I can no longer use the "beautiful scenery" that I had in my mind、Unfinished building” to summarize and position Hainan。Precisely,The beauty of Hainan,That is so beautiful、That is wonderful;The era of unfinished buildings in Hainan,Almost gone forever。All this,All thanks to the rapid economic development of Hainan。

Experienced the impact of the real estate bubble,Also experienced the impact of the Asian financial crisis,Hainan’s achievements today are really hard-won。Good and fast development is the essential requirement for comprehensively implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development,In my opinion,Hainan has truly found its positioning for scientific development,Also truly grasps the laws of scientific development。Hainan plays the “advantage card”,Focus on improving the construction of supporting facilities,The linkage effect between them is very significant。This trip to Hainan,The Hainan development strategy reflected in bits and pieces is thought-provoking。

一、Economic principles in development strategy—Using comparative advantages to read Hainan’s development strategy

I still remember reading this in "Principles of Economics" edited by the famous economist Mankiw: "When everyone specializes in the production of goods in which they have a comparative advantage,The total output of the economy increases”。This is clearly reflected in the choice of Hainan’s development strategy。Hainan’s good ecological environment,It is a world-class rare resource。As a special economic zone,Continuing to expand opening up、The "vanguard" of institutional innovation、Except for the functions of “window” and “test field”,Hainan transforms resource advantages into economic advantages,Focus on economic development in tropical high-efficiency agriculture、Industry, mining and tourism,Take protecting the ecological environment and conserving energy resources as an important breakthrough in transforming the mode of economic growth。Precisely,Hainan is realizing a historical leap from a special economic zone to an ecological special economic zone。

Hainan is in the process of developing its industry,Concentrate industrial sources relatively in the Western Industrial Corridor,Controlled within a limited area,Preventing the proliferation of small and medium-sized enterprises;Control the total discharge of major pollutants within the limited indicators,Integrate pollution control with industrial structure and regional adjustment,Implement clean energy policy,Laid the foundation for sustainable economic development。This kind of insistence on ecology and province creation,dafabet loginA development strategy that transforms resource advantages into economic advantages,Based on one’s own greatest advantage,Standing on the highest strategic starting point to seek your own survival and development。

二、The link between Xingbaiye and Hainan Island Expressway

Highway,It is a product of modern civilization。Completion of Hainan Island Ring Expressway,Effectively alleviates the "bottleneck" constraints of island road traffic on Hainan's economy,With its incomparable advantages,Becomes the main channel for Hainan highway traffic。

Driving on Hainan Expressway,People often feel like "the car is driving in the green",The feeling of "walking in the middle of a painting"。Hainan cancels highway toll collection,Greatly improved the smoothness of the road,Truly realizes the smoothness of "one step on the accelerator to the bottom"。

Completion of the Ring Island Expressway,Not only promotes the rapid development of the highway transportation industry along the route and the adjustment of the transportation structure,It has had a positive and far-reaching impact on the island's comprehensive transportation system。The east highway around the island has become the tourism lifeline for cities and counties in eastern Hainan Island、The "golden channel" for the economic development of cities and counties along the line;The Western Expressway around the island has also become a new economic corridor and ecological channel。It connects the coastal ports and the north and south airports at a higher level,And connected to various regions in the province through feeder roads,Strengthened the port’s collection and distribution capabilities and expanded the coverage of the airport,A more powerful three-dimensional transportation system inside and outside the island has been formed。

The role of the Hainan Island Ring Expressway in promoting the rapid economic development of Hainan is thought-provoking。

3. Details determine everything—Hainan’s people-oriented approach from the details

Remember the night when we first arrived in Haikou,The nine of us walked along the coastal avenue after dinner,An overpass at the intersection in the downtown area caught my attention。The appearance of the overpass is nothing new,But one detail of its construction attracted me,I stood in front of it and stared at it for a long, long time...

This is an elevator for disabled people,Its entrance reads "Haikou Bridge Management Co., Ltd. Tips: This elevator is only for use by disabled people"。Overpasses and elevators not only have corresponding management units,Clear responsibilities;The humanized design of the elevator for disabled people made me see Hainan’s people-oriented approach。This is the most special overpass I have ever seen,It is truly "people-oriented"。