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[China Land and Resources News] Rural ruins, peach blossoms and wheat fields--Record of integrated technology and application of comprehensive remediation of abandoned rural homesteads in Shaanxi Province

Release date: 2010-09-10    Author:    Source:    Clicks: 8774   Share to:

Land consolidation is a good thing that benefits the country and the people。Make this good thing happen,Not only rely on incentives from national policies、Investment of huge amounts of money,Technological support is also essential。

In recent years,Academia and administrative agencies have begun to pay attention to technical issues in the field of land consolidation。Especially the remediation of abandoned rural homesteads faces many sciences、Technical Difficulties,In-depth investigation and research and typical demonstrations are urgently needed。

While some domestic experts still stay at the macro level on this type of research,After 20 years of practice between Shaanxi Real Estate Development Services Corporation and Xi’an University of Technology,Exploring the integrated technology and typical model for the comprehensive remediation of abandoned rural homesteads,Provided technical support and theoretical guidance for the reclamation and remediation of abandoned rural homesteads in Shaanxi Province,Filling a major gap in the field of land science。

This set of technology and model is not advanced,Not fashionable,But the most valuable thing is that it comes from practice,Thus it can better guide practice。Of course,This achievement cannot be copied to other regions,But its concept of renovating abandoned homesteads、Strategic thinking and technology integration methods are still popular across the country,All regions can learn from their own practices。

The story caused by an identification certificate

“A new key to the remediation of abandoned homesteads”

Han Jichang still remembers it clearly,Xi’an on June 13, 2010,Clear sky。

This day,As the general manager of Shaanxi Real Estate Development Service Corporation,Han Jichang received a "Scientific and Technological Achievement Appraisal Certificate" from the Provincial Department of Science and Technology。In the appraisal opinion column,There is a line written: "This achievement technology integration system is comprehensive,Standard mode is typical and reasonable,Remarkable results in promotion and application。Reached the international advanced level in comprehensive remediation and integration research。”

What kind of result is this?

Can be summarized in four sentences:

--20 years of school-enterprise cooperation research and practical promotion,An integrated technical system for rural homestead remediation has been formed,Specifically includes investigation techniques in the comprehensive remediation of abandoned rural homesteads、Planning technology、Construction Technology、Information Technology、Comprehensive integration、Policy mechanisms, etc.。

--Based on the Weibei Dry Plateau,Facing the land of Sanqin,Established a typical standard model for remediation of abandoned homesteads。

--Adapt measures to local conditions,Comprehensive utilization,Propose a comprehensive utilization model of homestead land at different levels and functions。

--Establishing a comprehensive integrated application platform based on modern information technology,Provide information support and decision-making services。

In the opinion of industry insiders,This set is not advanced,It’s not a “foreign” technology,Realistically solved the difficult problems in the remediation of abandoned rural homesteads。

“This is a new key to the comprehensive remediation of abandoned rural homesteads!”Mou Lingsheng, former deputy secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee,Think about this achievement。

A research report 20 years ago

"Renovation of old villages, benefiting the present generation and benefiting future generations"

Mou Lingsheng’s concern about abandoned homesteads in rural Shaanxi,A "Research Report on the Construction Land of Rural Villages in Shaanxi Province" started 20 years ago。

Han Jichang is the author of this research report。1990,Han Jichang who just joined the Provincial Land Management Bureau,The first task I received was to conduct a survey of rural village land in the province。

It doesn’t matter if you don’t investigate,A survey,Shocking。The province’s per capita area exceeds 200 square meters,Far exceeds the policy standard of 115 square meters,The village land area reaches 791.60,000 acres,Accounted for 14 of the cultivated land in the same period.9%。Among them,Abandoned homestead land in the province reaches about one million acres,About half of the homesteads are in 0.More than 5 acres,Large homesteads of more than 1 mu can be seen everywhere in the Weibei Plateau。

From these numbers,The research report concluded that there is huge potential for remediation of abandoned homesteads。Han Jichang made a calculation: "If these homesteads are renovated,Control the level of homestead per household at 0.4 acres,Then existing villages in the province can free up 90 homestead sites.50,000 acres!"This will produce economic and social benefits - land for farmers to build houses in the next ten years,You can save 1 million acres of cultivated land,The annual grain output per mu is calculated as 200 kilograms,Can increase grain production by 200 million kilograms per year!

The research report received important instructions from Mou Lingsheng, deputy secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee: "Renovation of old villages,Is a benefit from contemporary,A magnificent undertaking that benefits future generations,We should work hard to get it done!”

From this,The remediation work of abandoned rural homesteads in Shaanxi has begun。1992,In order to promote the industrialization of land consolidation、Scale,The former Shaanxi Provincial Land Administration Bureau specially established a directly affiliated state-owned enterprise-Shaanxi Provincial Land Science and Technology Service Corporation (renamed Shaanxi Provincial Real Estate Development Service Corporation in 1997)。1992~1997,The company is a practitioner and explorer of comprehensive remediation technology for abandoned rural homesteads in Shaanxi Province,Conducted investigation, classification and sporadic reclamation of abandoned homesteads in old villages, mainly in the Guanzhong and Weibei dry plateau areas。

Looking at land consolidation from another angle

“We can no longer do what farmers do”

The situation of abandoned homesteads in rural Shaanxi is a microcosm of the country.

With urbanization、Acceleration of industrialization,China’s rural residential land is “scattered”、small、The chaos is getting worse。

There is such a set of figures: my country currently has 640,000 administrative villages、3.3 million natural villages,National rural residential area 2.4.8 billion acres,229 square meters per capita,1 mu per household!The potential of rural land consolidation is evident。

With the introduction of a series of national policies,Rural land consolidation has become a major land and resources strategy in my country in recent years,And is becoming a new platform for new rural construction and coordinated urban and rural development。20 years,The status of land consolidation continues to increase,Investment continues to increase。However,An indisputable fact is,The actual results of land remediation in various places, especially the remediation of abandoned dafabet mobile loginhomesteads, are not satisfactory,Quality varies。

Only policy incentives,Obviously not enough to renovate abandoned homesteads。

“Is homestead improvement just ‘demolition of houses’ and ‘leveling’,No technical content,Farmers can do it themselves?”This question,Not only confusing the land administration department,It also puzzles people like Han Jichang who are specifically engaged in land consolidation work。

The deeper confusion hidden behind this question is: whether land consolidation is just a soft science?

What touched Han Jichang was what a cadre said when he was competing for the position of director of a provincial land consolidation center: "I am not a land major,But I have farmed in rural areas,Know what sorting is all about,Just make the ground level。”

This sound,Although it sounds uncomfortable,But it is not an isolated phenomenon。

Han Jichang is not convinced.

Unconvincedness comes from comparison.

One,Compared with farmland water conservancy,As a sub-project in land consolidation,Farmland water conservancy mainly studies farmland irrigation and drainage and water resource utilization issues,But no one can deny the scientific and technological content,denies its status as a science。The abandoned homestead remediation project contains much more content than the farmland water conservancy project,For example: How to ensure the safety of neighboring houses while demolishing them?How to deal with construction waste?How to protect ancient houses and trees?How to plan the drainage after renovation in the project area,Effectively prevent waterlogging and soil erosion...for a long time,People think this is just a soft science,It’s just a means to solve the “three rural” problems。

Part 2,Compared with other industries,Water Conservancy、Agriculture、Geological engineering projects have mature working procedures and standards,They all have their own construction units,Only the land department does not。Although construction requirements can be made,Leave reclamation projects to these construction companies,But people will always regard reclamation as a side job。Why we can’t have our own technical standard system、Professional team、Demonstration power?

Unconvinced also comes from the analysis and judgment of the future situation。With the acceleration of urbanization,Rural population reduction is an irreversible trend。Land consolidation has become an important platform for new rural construction and coordinated urban and rural development,The remediation of abandoned homesteads should be scientific、Technical understanding。As a unit directly engaged in this business,There should be clear guiding ideology in terms of engineering technology、Specific ideas and practices,Scientific standardization of projects。

“We can no longer do what farmers do!With technical support,Only in order to be recognized by farmers,Recognized by society。The long-standing ‘heavy management’ in the land field、Light Engineering、Light technology’must change!We must come up with something to guide practice,Even if it is not comprehensive,But it can be gradually improved in practice,Gradually forming its own theory and scientific system。”

Model Yaozhou

“The advantage is to increase land, increase production and increase income”

1999,Shaanxi Real Estate Development Services Corporation participated in the survey of the Penggong abandoned above-ground kiln renovation project in Changwu County, Xianyang、Planning and related work。This project lasted 6 months,Renovation of 1,778 acres of homestead land,The project net increased cultivated land by 1,443 acres,Everything is watered。2001~2009,The total output value of these newly added farmland is 1111.420,000 yuan。

For Shaanxi Real Estate Development Services Corporation,What is more important than the increase of more than 1,000 acres of cultivated land,This project has accumulated experience for the company in the comprehensive remediation technology of rural abandoned homesteads,The company’s approach to renovating old homesteads、Mode and slave survey、Planning、Have a comprehensive grasp of the entire process from design to construction。

2004~2006,Shaanxi Real Estate Development Services Corporation implemented the renovation of abandoned pit kilns in 20 villages including Yicun, Xiaoqiu Town, Yaozhou District, Tongchuan City。

The Yaozhou area is a typical Weibei loess plateau landform。The large-scale pit kilns here are called the "architectural miracles" of Chinese folk,The “Underground Courtyard” in Northern China。

The reason why it is named Dikeng Kiln,It is a cave dwelling without earth cliff excavation,Dig a square pit downwards on the flat ground。Cave dwellings are generally about 4 meters high,3 meters wide,Depth can reach more than ten meters。

With the passage of time and the improvement of farmers’ living standards,In recent years,About 80% of farmers bid farewell to pit kilns,Moved into a new home。A large number of abandoned cave dwellings,Becoming a pain in the hearts of local people: not only a waste of land,Affected the appearance of the village,And it creates safety hazards - almost every year, people and animals slip and fall into the pits!

Early September 2010,The reporter followed Luo Lintao, a senior engineer of Shaanxi Real Estate Development Services Corporation, to the Xiaoqiu Town Yicun abandoned pit and kiln renovation project area。If you hadn’t seen the photos that objectively recorded the scenes of the past,I can’t imagine the flat land under my feet、The open cropland in front of you,Once a blockbuster in tatters、Deep pit kiln。

Four years after project completion and acceptance,Back to this land again,Luo Lintao keeps encountering familiar faces in three to five steps。

Asked about the benefits of renovating abandoned cave dwellings,The villagers blurted out: "Increase land, increase production and increase income。”

The biggest feature of the pit kiln is its large area,On average, each cave dwelling occupies an area of ​​0.5 acres,It is not uncommon to find around 1 acre。According to Wu Xiangdong, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Xiaoqiu Town,By implementing the remediation project,The town has organized a total of more than 3,800 acres of cultivated land,“I couldn’t even think about it in the past”。

He said,If it is up to farmers to manage it themselves,First, there is no such big economic strength,Second, there is no technology,Rely only on local methods,The quality of the renovation can be imagined。

The soil of the pit kiln is mature soil that has been matured for many years,Fertile soil。After renovation,This soil can be directly used as fertilizer to nourish the land。Crops grown on such land,The yield is “one acre equals two acres”!

Wu Xiangdong told reporters: “The renovation of abandoned pits and kilns has created new cultivated land,Provides a platform for industrial structure adjustment,Promoted farmers’ income increase。”In recent years,Xiaoqiu Town adjusts industrial organizations,Vigorously develop apple planting。Farmers plant fruit trees on these lands,Income 5,000 yuan per mu,A good one can cost tens of thousands of yuan per mu。

According to Chai Zhiping, director of Aduzhai Village,This village originally had more than 100 households,The pit kiln covers an area of ​​more than 130 acres。Passed rectification,All reclaimed into cultivated land,Added more than 120 acres of cultivated land to the village。Wheat grown on these lands、Corn,Increase the income of the whole village by about 100,000 yuan per year。

The benefits of Dikeng Kiln Reclamation don’t stop there.

Added farmland as "mobile land" in the village,Adjusting cultivated land for village construction and revitalizing space。The land used for the construction of Aduzhai New Village covering an area of ​​38 acres not far away,The adjusted cultivated land also comes from these reclaimed lands。Before the renovation,Even if farmers divide their homesteads,Also often stretched due to shortage of cultivated land,It is difficult to have farmland for adjustment。

Chai Zhiping said,This makes other villages that have not carried out homestead reclamation very "covetous"。

This resonated with everyone at the site: homestead reclamation achieves two balances,First, the balance of occupation and compensation of cultivated land in the province;The second is the balance of cultivated land in the village,Even only increased but not decreased。

For the villagers,The biggest change is the appearance of the village。

“In the past, adults didn’t dare to go out at night,I don’t even dare to let my children run around,Now adults and children dare to go out at night!”

“I used to see tall grass in front of me when I dafabet mobile appwent out,Now when I go out, I see tall fields of crops!”

“If you still live in a cave dwelling now,Encountering a rainy weather like this year,Definitely going to be flooded again!”


Integrated technology is beginning to mature

"There are many famous places and many doorways here"

It started from the Yaozhou Hill Project,Includes investigative techniques、Planning technology、Construction Technology、Information Technology、Comprehensive integration、The "integrated technical system for comprehensive remediation of abandoned rural residential sites" including policy mechanisms and other policies has begun to be constructed。

Yaozhou Xiaoqiu Project has attracted a new partner-Xi’an University of Technology。According to a professor from Xi’an University of Technology、Memories of Doctoral Supervisor Xie Jiancang,At the beginning,They also did not realize the technical content of the abandoned homestead remediation project,Just treat it as a traditional farmland water conservancy project。But after doing it, I found out,Not as simple as imagined。

The first step is to measure the project area、Basic topography,This is the most basic work of the renovation project,It was also the biggest difficulty encountered at that time。GPS was not widely used at that time,Generally there are many trees in hollow villages,Poor visibility,It is difficult to obtain measurement data over a large area using a total station。

The next design phase,It cannot be designed according to the traditional simple farmland water conservancy project,Because land consolidation must fully consider the future land use direction,To be combined with the construction of new rural areas,Different factors considered,The requirements for projects are also different。

At the construction stage,Limited by terrain,Cannot use large machinery。But it is completely based on the original construction methods of farmers,Long cycle,Quality cannot be guaranteed。

“The more I do it, the more I feel like there are so many things here,Many ways!"Jie Jiancang Theory。

At the hill,The villagers recalled the renovation of the pit kiln: “The people in the project department suffered a lot,Good things done!”

Many people still remember the story of the rescue on a rainy night four years ago。The Yicunnan project area covers an area of ​​more than 200 acres,It was the largest project at that time。Under construction,A certain cave dwelling is very close to the excavated house,In order to ensure its safety,Construction workers reserved a safe zone while excavating,Reinforcement safety measures have also been taken for this house,And plan to backfill immediately after digging。

But God is not good with it,Not enough time to backfill,One night,A heavy rain is coming。

If rainwater flows into the cave dwelling along the lower terrain,It is easy to cause collapse!This family and all the construction workers feel like they are pretending to be a rabbit,It keeps jumping” 。

The project department immediately decided to carry out rescue operations in the rain。However,In this critical moment,A loader preparing to enter the site for construction was sandwiched between two big trees on one side of the road,Not allowed,Cannot retreat。The project department made a prompt decision,Cut the tree,Let the car pass。Repeatedly crushed by excavator,Fill the cave dwelling thoroughly and then again,The final collapse did not occur,Everyone’s hearts finally fell into their stomachs。

Four years later today,The story of the rainy night is a thing of the past,Only this cave dwelling is left, quietly watching the crops not far away year after year,Green and yellow。

Walking on this land renovated by pit kilns,Solid ground,It is difficult to find the collapse。Everyone knows,Loess is very collapsible,Encountering rain,Easy to collapse。The project department of the real estate company came to the front of the hill,A serious collapse problem occurred during the renovation of underground pits and kilns organized by the county - a farmer's tractor fell into the collapse pit。

Because of technical deficiencies,Ruined a good thing!

What is the secret to avoid this happening?

According to Luo Lintao,Deep pit kiln renovation project,Not bulldozers rushing up,Simple to dismantle and fill in。How detailed is it,It will definitely affect the stability of surrounding cave dwellings。The pit kiln excavation project is the most important link in the construction,Directly affects the construction and quality of other projects in the future。So,Before construction,It is necessary to analyze the distribution of pit kilns in each project area、Detailed inventory of quantity。How detailed is it?The designers are going down to the cave dwelling,Put the depth of each hole、Width measured,This is not available in conventional measurements。The first purpose of doing this is to balance the earthwork, The second is to ensure the safety of construction.

After inventory,Mark the inventory results on topographic maps and planning maps one by one,Drawing and writing construction diagrams and specific plans for kiln excavation projects。

In the next project construction,There are also many technical points: the kiln palm (the top of the kiln) must be used for laying out the construction line;For cave dwellings that are relatively close to existing houses,Must fully negotiate with the homeowner,With the consent of the villagers,On the premise of adopting house reinforcement safety measures,Construction is allowed only,In principle, no digging will be done outside the planning area;Under construction,Each cave dwelling must be excavated and filled up;During excavation,Construction personnel and safety personnel must ensure the safety of cave dwelling excavation one by one on site、Comprehensive quality records,Draw the current status of each kiln and the results after excavation;After construction is completed,The palms of each cave must be exposed,For acceptance。

In Yicun,The reporter saw an abandoned pit kiln that had not been renovated,A dozen meters away next to it is the road and another house that is still inhabited。Reporter is curious,Why is this household left alone and not renovated?

Luo Lintao told reporters,Because there is a new house built on this cave dwelling,Without demolishing the house above,There is no guarantee that the cave dwelling will be completely filled,There is no guarantee that the safety of neighboring houses and roads will not be endangered。In this case,I would rather keep the original appearance without renovation。

Yicunnan project area with flat terrain,The flattened land is mainly suitable for making square fields。In comparison,The adjacent Yicunbei project area looks like a slope,It is very easy to cause soil erosion。Therefore,What water and soil conservation measures are most considered during project construction。

The method is:

For ditches with a height difference greater than 1 meter、The field on the road,Must build field ridges。

Build a waterlogging pond near the field,Let the rain、Domestic sewage is collected here first,Precipitate and retain a large amount of sediment,Then drain it into the ditch。

Based on the original terrain,Design fields with different elevations,Focus on Taitaian construction。Don’t divide the channels too small,To meet the requirements of mechanical farming。

Rebuild the water withdrawal system。Land consolidation has changed the original drainage system of the village,Need to build a new water withdrawal system,Avoid waterlogging。

It happened to rain heavily,Shaanxi has more rain than previous years。The night before the reporter arrived at the project area for interviews,It happened to rain heavily。But,It is precisely because of these careful arrangements in design and construction,In the project area,No serious waterlogging occurred。

Pay attention to the protection of rural cultural relics,is another highlight of the integrated technology for comprehensive remediation of abandoned homesteads。The long historical years have accumulated a profound culture on the land of Sanqin,In local terms: "In Shaanxi,Almost every hoe digs down,It is possible to dig up fragments of history。”

Under reclamation of abandoned homestead,Many villages are old villages with a history of thousands of years。Temple everywhere、Old trees are the material testimony of the long history and splendid culture of the local area。In order to retain these non-renewable cultural heritage,Under renovation of abandoned homestead,The principle is to protect as much as possible。

In the Adu Village project area,An old Chinese Sophora japonica tree that is older than the village is the best witness。

During project implementation,Many people in the village advocate cutting down this locust tree。Because according to the original planning plan,The old locust tree is located in the middle of the field,A tree crown that is too high will “rest”,It is also not conducive to protection。

The project department dafabet mobile appfirst thought of transplanting。But it is difficult for an ancient tree with such a long age to survive,Not feasible。Final project department decision,Adjust planning plan,Build roads next to ancient trees,This is convenient for protection,It can also reduce the "resting area"。

In the reclamation of abandoned homesteads in Yaozhou and subsequently Chengcheng County,Many ancient trees are like this old Sophora japonica,Carefully protected。For this,Shaanxi Real Estate Development Service Company also specially issued "Several Regulations on the Protection of Ancient Trees in Rural Homestead Reclamation"。

The core of integration is scientific services

“Small things integrated together can produce huge benefits”

Years of practice,Let Han Jichang and Xie Jiancang feel more and more strongly: abandoned homesteads come in different forms,Whether it is planning or construction,Everyone has its own characteristics。Then,Remediation should also take various forms。

This is also the revelation of changes in the policy environment。The core of the Central Committee’s No. 1 Document for seven consecutive years is the “three rural” issues。As land consolidation becomes a platform to promote new rural construction and coordinate urban and rural development,The connotation of land consolidation has been expanded,Not only involves water conservancy issues、Agricultural issues,It also involves issues such as the ecological environment,This puts forward new requirements for the remediation of abandoned homesteads。

2006,Based on the practice of renovating upper kilns in Pengggong, Changwu and pit kilns in Xiaoqiu, Yaozhou,Combined with the national survey classification and potential analysis results of abandoned rural homesteads from 1990 to 1997,Shaanxi Real Estate Development Services Corporation and Xi'an University of Technology further divided the remediation of abandoned homesteads into five types--pit kiln type、Above ground kiln type、Discharge kiln type、Adobe House、Mixed style,And established typical standard models for the remediation of these five types of abandoned homesteads,Includes basic concepts、Landform characteristics、Planning and Design、Utilization of Typical Standards and Specifications for Project Construction and Completion。

Renovation of abandoned homesteads seems relatively simple,Everyone seems to be able to do it,But this work does have technical content,No matter in terms of cost,Still in terms of quality,Different people utilize different technologies,The levels reflected are not the same。

“Survey on our applications、Planning、Design、Construction technology is not invented by oneself,It is not a major innovation to existing technology,They are all very mature technologies。But integrating these technologies together,The benefits are huge。”

In the view of Jie Jiancang,The core of this integrated technology is to provide services,It has three characteristics: First, the technology is simple,Easy to master;The second is to provide different types of standard designs,Corresponding design album,Convenient for users to refer to and apply in practice;The third is against the government、Enterprise、Farmers and other different levels,Provide macro decisions respectively、Project implementation、Post-utilization and other services,Easy for promotion。

Build your brand with standards

From "small fights" to "management regulations、High standard、Good quality”

“Third-rate companies sell products,Second-rate companies sell technology,First-class companies sell standards。”Technical Standardization,Is an important factor affecting the core competitiveness of an enterprise。With this set of standards,Shaanxi Real Estate Development Services Corporation has established its own brand in the remediation of abandoned residential sites in Shaanxi Province。

Since 2007,Apply this set of techniques and typical patterns,Shaanxi Real Estate Development Services Corporation has successively launched above-ground kilns in Chengcheng County, Weinan、Reclamation and comprehensive renovation of abandoned villages dominated by adobe houses in Huaxi Town, Huayin City。

Chengcheng County is located on the Weibei Loess Plateau,The 266 administrative villages in the county’s rural areas are all above-ground kilns。

The above-ground kiln has unique topographic and landform features that other types of cave dwellings cannot match。Due to the small slope of the terrain,In addition, it belongs to the yellow irrigation area,Reclamation of contiguous above-ground kilns,Can create large areas of fertile land,Formulating economies of scale。

Chengcheng County Land and Resources Bureau has long been eyeing the potential of abandoned above-ground kilns。But,Limited by own technical strength, etc.,Always stuck in the "little fight" stage。This situation,After applying integrated technology to implement two phases of renovation projects at Shaanxi Real Estate Services Corporation,Completely changed。

In the opinion of Yuan Lin, deputy director of Chengcheng County Land and Resources Bureau,The above-ground kiln renovation project undertaken by Shaanxi Real Estate Development Services Corporation,"Management Standards、High standard、Good quality!”

This is not a polite statement.

According to Luo Lintao,The characteristic of above-ground kiln is that the cave dwelling and the cave dwelling are combined,Formed "back to back,side by side” pattern,The two cave dwellings are jointly supported by the kiln legs in the middle。At the time of demolition,Pay special attention to taking protective measures,Make sure the cave dwelling next door does not collapse。

Before the land was leveled,According to the original terrain and terrain,Design fields with different elevations,In an area with small fluctuations,The field elevation design is determined based on the amount of earthwork and excavation;In a undulating area,Field elevation design should be adapted to local conditions。Minimize earth excavation and filling works,And maintain a basic balance in the amount of excavation and filling work。

In this way,There is no need to take a large amount of soil from outside the area,There is no need to transport a large amount of soil outwards,Reduced project investment。

In the process of demolition and cleanup,Use a bulldozer to demolish the front and back of the old homestead、Old wall、The organic fertilizer on the back of the kiln is stacked in pieces,Reuse the bulldozer、Loader demolishes old Zhuangji,Cleaning up bricks and other waste in old buildings,After demolition combined with land leveling and comprehensive utilization。

This kind “Save money, time and effort, and conform to the laws of nature” ’s technology and model have been well received.

Abandoned above-ground kiln renovation project in Chengcheng County that lasted more than two years,Renovated a total of 15,620 acres of abandoned homesteads,13025 acres of new cultivated land。

Afterwards,Shaanxi Real Estate Development Services Corporation and Xi’an University of Technology have not stopped exploring rural abandoned residential land integration technology and typical standard models。

December 2009,They have improved the integration technology and typical standard model of rural abandoned homesteads,In the comprehensive integration platform,Based on the current situation survey of abandoned homesteads、Compile planning and development and utilization data,Application of 3S technology to analyze the expansion and dynamic changes of rural settlements and the spatial and temporal evolution of rural homesteads;At the same time,Levels and functions of centralized and sporadic organization of abandoned homesteads,Proposed the "Utilization Model of Shaanxi Rural Abandoned Homesteads after Comprehensive Sorting",And constructed an overall evaluation index system,Provides analysis, evaluation and decision-making services for the remediation effect of abandoned homesteads。Utilization after centralized remediation includes: modern agriculture、Traditional agriculture and construction land;Utilization after scattered remediation includes: cash crops、Vegetable garden、Nursery、Garden、Biogas pool、Water Pond、Cultural Square、New homestead land, etc.、New homestead land, etc.,Renovate the homestead、Afforestation、Water environment improvement、The organic combination of cultural projects and new rural construction,Realize rational allocation of water and land resources,Create a good environment for rural settlement and agricultural development。

Nearly ten years,Shaanxi province directly uses integrated technology and models to transform abandoned residential sites cumulatively 2.170,000 acres,Net increase in cultivated land 1.880,000 acres。Cities、Counties apply integrated technology for comprehensive remediation of abandoned rural homesteads on a sporadic or small-scale basis、Typical standard mode,Renovation of 220,000 acres of abandoned homestead land,Net increase in cultivated land 19.20,000 acres,Achieve annual grain output value 2.4.4 billion yuan。

In the opinion of industry insiders,The valuable dafabet mobile loginthing about the integrated technology and typical model results of comprehensive remediation of abandoned rural homesteads is that they come from practice,Thus it can guide practice more specifically。To what extent?It answers "Which village should be demolished、How to design、How to take each step,The issue of how to use the land after remediation,Achieving the effect of “hand-in-hand instruction”。 As an expert said at the achievement appraisal meeting: "There is nothing profound about this set of integration technologies and typical standard models,But sum up small seemingly worthless things together,formed the most valuable、The most practical thing。”

Shaanxi model, spark

“From practical technology to revolutionary technology”

It’s like finding a treasure.

This is how Liu Yansui, a researcher at the Institute of Geography and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, felt when he saw the results of "Integrated Technology and Application for Comprehensive Remediation of Rural Abandoned Homesteads"。

Liu Yansui has also been engaged in similar research in recent years。The major project topic of the Knowledge Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences "Research on the Potential and Planning of Village Land Renovation in Shandong Province" that he undertook,Focus on exploring the "Shandong Model" of hollowed-out rural villages and the construction of new rural areas。In the process of research,Liu Yansui discovered many scientific problems、Technical difficulties urgently need to be overcome。

In Liu Yansui’s opinion,The value of Shaanxi’s homestead integration technology achievements must be measured from the perspective of national macro-strategy。

"Development and application of comprehensive remediation technology and typical models of abandoned rural homesteads,Shaanxi Province is at the forefront in the country。This set of technology integration is highly comprehensive,Also highly targeted、Promotability、Effectiveness。Typical model of renovating abandoned cave dwellings based on local reality,Not only low cost,Common people are easy to accept,And social benefits、Ecological benefits、Significant economic benefits。Integrating technology into national strategies,Use policy platform and technical support,Created a path for rural economic and social development,A new way of harmonious relationship between man and earth。”

When a practical technology is combined with a regional development strategy,When exploring a new path in promoting regional economic development and harmonious relationship between man and land,This technology is no longer a technology in the traditional sense,It is a revolutionary technology。

This set of technologies and models will have great potential in Shaanxi in the future。According to statistics,As of 2008,There are 850,000 acres of abandoned homestead land available for reclamation in rural areas across the province,The Weibei Taiyuan area alone has an area of ​​420,000 acres。

Spark,Can start a prairie fire。Look at the bigger picture,The influence and significance of the Shaanxi model are even more profound。

Shaanxi as a living model,It has a good demonstration significance for the central and western regions with the same conditions。

“Renovation of large-scale abandoned homesteads in Shaanxi Province,It is precisely thanks to this set of technologies and models”,Yan Chonglou, deputy director of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources, spoke highly of the integrated technology and typical model results for the comprehensive remediation of abandoned rural homesteads,“The more far-reaching significance lies in exploring a way to renovate homesteads mainly consisting of abandoned cave dwellings in the central and western regions!”

Look more divergently,Although China has a vast territory,The situation of abandoned homesteads varies from place to place,Abandoned homesteads in Shaanxi are mainly made of cave dwellings、Mainly adobe houses,He Sunan、Guangdong and other economically developed regions are different。But its concept of renovating abandoned homesteads、Strategic thinking and technology integration methods are still popular across the country,All regions can learn from their own practices。

Predictable,Over time,In the national strategy of building new countryside and promoting urban and rural coordination,The integrated technological achievements of the comprehensive remediation of abandoned rural residential sites in Shaanxi Province will show greater vitality!