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Han Jichang went to Yangling Innovation Center to inspect and guide the work

Release date: 2021-08-18    Author:    Source:    Clicks: 2466   Share to:

August 17,Secretary of the Group Party Committee、Chairman Han Jichang went to Yangling Farmland Protection and Quality Improvement Innovation Center to inspect and guide the work,Zhao Lei, chief economist of the group, also attended。


Han Jichang checked the preparation status of the office space of the Innovation Center,Sending care and condolences to the employees of the Innovation Center,And go deep into the central test base site,Viewed the progress of project construction in detail。He emphasized,First, we must do a good job in the planning and design of base project construction,Response to carbon emission policy,Highlight the concept of energy conservation and environmental protection;Second, we must control project costs,Improve cost control awareness;Third, we must implement project quality and safety standards,Go all out to speed up the construction of the test base;Fourth, we must fully rely on Qin Chuang’s original dafabet casino mobile appnew drive platform,Based on a new starting point、Strive for new heights,Promote the group’s high-quality development to a new level。(Zhao Huaibin)