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[Shaanxi Daily] Technology turns contaminated land into treasure

Release date: 2016-04-25    Author:    Source:    Clicks: 7425   Share to:

       In our country,Polluted land seriously restricts the sustainable use of land resources。Due to the late start of contaminated land remediation in my country,During the actual investigation and remediation of contaminated land,To save costs,Some treatments only target soil pollution and ignore other media, especially groundwater pollution investigation and remediation,Even produce secondary pollution。How to better repair contaminated land,Restore these lands to their original use value and construction functions,So as to solve the contradiction between land supply and demand、Guarantee land for economic and social development,Becoming an urgent problem that needs to be solved。  

       The research work on the restoration of contaminated land conducted by Shaanxi Land Engineering Construction Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Shaanxi Land Engineering") provides a useful reference for the treatment of contaminated land。In the process of dafabet casino mobile appland management and transformation,Shaanxi Land Construction takes soil reconstruction as its core task,Remove heavy metals in soil in a scientific way、Garbage、Reduce radioactive materials to a minimum,For agriculture、Provide clean land for construction land, etc.。  

       Make the Ishikawa River green again  

      Ishikawa River,A tributary of the Wei River,There are 36 long flows in Fuping County.4 kilometers,Basin area 132.4 square kilometers,Once known as "the mother river of the people of Fuping County"。In recent years,The Ishikawa River has almost stopped flowing,There is water only when the upstream reservoir releases flood。Because the terrain of Fuping County is high in the north and low in the south、High in the west and low in the east,The main flood discharge ditch in the south of the county discharges a large amount of domestic sewage into the river during the flood season,Domestic garbage is randomly discarded in the river,River water pollution and solid waste pollution are serious,Deterioration of ecological environment。  

       Since 2013,Shaanxi Land Construction began to transform and manage the Ishikawa River (urban section),The scope of renovation includes 1 east of Pinyang Bridge.5 kilometers,West of Pinyang Bridge0.7 kilometers,The construction content covers river management projects、Municipal road projects on the north and south sides、50-meter green belt landscape square and riverside landscape park and other projects。In view of the problem of random discharge of domestic sewage and industrial wastewater,Shaanxi Land Construction adopts the construction of sewage interception pipeline,Introduce wastewater into the county sewage treatment plant for centralized treatment and then discharge it to meet the standards;For solid waste accumulated in rivers,Transported to the landfill for sanitary landfill,Set garbage classification collection system on both sides of the river road;For the riverbed sediment that has caused pollution,After on-site treatment using biological and chemical methods,Carry out river dredging and compaction。  

       Since March 2014,Shaanxi Construction begins river dredging project,Mainly intercept the two rainwater and sewage pipes under the Jinlong Bridge on the north bank of the river,Smoothing out the river,Removing 300,000 cubic meters of garbage and sludge,Cut off the source of pollution。By building a dam,Blocking the river to store water,Enhance urban landscape。After water storage in June 2015,Submerged aquatic plants and floating leaf mobileplants are arranged in Hanoi,300,000 fry released。Planting trees on both sides of the river、Shrubs and other plants,Achieved waterscape greening、Purify water quality、The expected goal of stable coordination。  

       The application of Shaanxi land construction comprehensive ecological management model effectively reduces water pollution,Improved the surrounding environment,Formed a new model of sustainable utilization of water resources of "open source-purification-utilization-discharge-regeneration"。While improving the living environment of the people, it also enhances the overall image and taste of Fuping County,To achieve green Fuping、Harmonious Fuping、Beautiful Fuping made a positive contribution。 

      Let the gold mining area regain its beauty  

      1980s and 1990s,Due to disordered mining in Tongguan gold mining area, Shaanxi Province、Causes such as random mining and excavation,Causing serious environmental problems。The 7 rivers in the area basically become mine wastewater、The tailing slurry discharge site of the processing plant,Hydride、Heavy metals seriously exceed the standard,Serious water and soil pollution,Complete collapse of the ecosystem,Extinction of aquatic life。  

       To control mine pollution in this area,The state finance allocated funds to implement the Geological Environment Management Demonstration Project (Phase I) of the Tongguan Gold Mining Area in Shaanxi Province,Mainly solve the problem of land occupied by waste residue in mining areas,Heavy metal polluted water source、Soil,Waste siltation in rivers、Problems such as bank collapse。  

       Shaanxi Land Construction carried out large-scale land leveling in the Tongguan gold mining area、Build roads、Engineering measures such as restoring forestland and cultivated land,Through and farmland water conservancy construction、Organic integration of ecological and environmental engineering,Built a new ecosystem。To keep the river smooth,Shaanxi Geotechnics cleans up river tailings slag,Clear the river,Reaching downstream clear width of 30 meters,Upstream clear width 25 meters。Meanwhile,To maintain the flood discharge capacity of the river,Build river embankment retaining wall。By leveling the waste residue on both sides of the strait,Classified land use restoration。Push up the tailings slag on both sides of the river and lower it,Covering soil to restore forestland and farmland。Use 70cm of cultivated soil cover and 10cm of lime soil cushion for reclamation in the restored farming dafabet loginarea,10 cm lime soil cushion to isolate heavy metal pollution,Ensuring the safety of cultivated crops;70 cm of cultivated soil is the lower 40 cm of compacted loess and the upper 30 cm of uncompacted pure loess,Loose soil,Conducive to rainwater infiltration and soil and water conservation。In the cyanide pool distribution area,To avoid pollution from growing crops after developing it into farmland,The original cyanide pond on the site will be covered with soil and used for planting trees;By building roads,Building ecological protection forest。Building width 3.5 meters cement road,Plant poplar saplings with a diameter of 9 cm along both sides of the road。 

       As understood,The Tongguan Gold Mine Area Management Project has completed the construction of 2 retaining walls.60,000 cubic meters,110,000 cubic meters of river dredging,Slag removal and transportation of 90,000 cubic meters,Build cement road 1.1 km,More than 2,200 green trees planted,170 acres of new cultivated land,Thoroughly improved the ecological environment of the area,Reproduced the beautiful home。  

       Built in Shaanxi,There are many similar contaminated land treatment projects。Aiming at the problem of oil-contaminated soil on land left over from oil and gas production enterprises in northern Shaanxi,Shaanxi Dijian carried out research on plant-chemical joint restoration technology。In view of the comprehensive management project of Lubotan saline-alkali land,Shaanxi Land Construction proposes to "change drainage into storage,A governance model that focuses on storage,Opening up a new path for saline-alkali land management。