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All party branches of Tongchuan Branch jointly carried out the theme party day activities of "Learning from Lei Feng Voluntary Service Month"

Release date: 2024-03-29    Author: Han Haiyan    Source: Tongchuan Branch    Clicks: 2611   Share to:

Recently,All party branches of Tongchuan Branch jointly carried out the theme party day activities of "Learning from Lei Feng Voluntary Service Month"。

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Period,The first party branch carries out illegal parking battery vehicle sorting activities,Volunteers arrange the randomly parked battery cars in order,Contribute to the urban environment。The second party branch organized volunteers to carry out civilized persuasion activities at traffic intersections,Guide citizens to obey traffic rules,Civilized travel。The third party branch carries out garbage classification propaganda、Environmental improvement activities,Advocate the concept of green environmental protection,Build a beautiful home together。

Through this event,Cadres and workers have deeply realized the powerful power and far-reaching influence of Lei Feng’s spirit。Everyone expressed their opinions,In future work,will provide various forms of volunteer dafabet casino mobile appservices,Deliver love and warmth,Highlight the positive energy of society,Let Lei Feng’s spirit shine brighter in the new era。