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The Party Committee of Zhongshan Agricultural Construction Group carries out party day activities with the theme of party discipline learning and education

Release date: 2024-07-12    Author: Pei Linna    Source: Zhongshan Agricultural Construction Group    Clicks: 885   Share to:

July 11,The Party Committee of Zhongshan Agricultural Construction Group carries out party day activities with the theme of party discipline learning and education,Organize all party members and party activists to go to the Fumei Battle Memorial Hall、Zhang Zai Temple (Hengqu Academy) Anti-corruption Education Base Conducts Red Research。

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Active,All personnel reviewed the oath of joining the Party in front of the Party flag under the Fumei Battle Monument,Tracing the footsteps of our revolutionary ancestors dafabet logintogether,Refining the original intention of joining the party,Keep in mind the mission of party members。Subsequently,Everyone walks into the Fumei Battle Memorial Hall,Learn more about the battle process,Understanding the loyalty of revolutionary martyrs to the party、The revolutionary spirit of selfless dedication。At Zhang Zai Temple (Hengqu Academy) Integrity Education Base,Everyone listened to Zhang Zai’s life story and historical contributions,Realize "Establishing a Heart for Heaven and Earth,Establishing a destiny for the people,Continuing the unique learning for the saints,To create peace for all generations" and traditional cultural spirits such as "Six Yous", "Ten Commandments", "Eastern Inscriptions" and "Western Inscriptions",Learn Zhang Zai’s feelings for the country and the people and his thoughts on integrity。The cadres and workers unanimously expressed their opinion,Cherish the good life,Always keep in mind the original intention and mission,Play a pioneering and exemplary role,Based on your own position,Strive to promote the company’s high-quality development。