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The Youth League Branch of the Land Construction Research Institute held a general election meeting

Release date: 2020-07-24    Author:    Source: Land Construction Research Institute    Clicks: 2952   Share to:

Recently,The Youth League branch of the Land Construction Research Institute held a member meeting,Elect the new Youth League branch committee。

      Meeting request,The new Youth League branch committee should be under the leadership of the Party Committee of the Land Construction Research Institute,Enter the role as soon as possible,Clear your thoughts,Work hard,Strive to create a new situation in the work of the Youth League branch of our hospital。

The newly elected Youth League branch members and youth members also expressed their opinions,Must live up to the expectations and trust of the organization,The next step will be to continue to unite and lead the majority of youth members,Performing duties with due diligence,Responsible for hard work,Contribute youthful wisdom and strength to the high-quality development of the Land Construction Research Institute。

                                                                                                                                                            (Writer: Sun Xubo)