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The Land Construction Research Institute held the 2019 annual work summary meeting01-16
The Party Committee of Shangluo Branch carried out "New Year's condolences and care"、Condolence activities with the theme of "underground construction assistance and heart-warming"01-10
Member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions、Vice Chairman Zhao Xia and her delegation went to the Northwest Branch to investigate and guide the trade union work01-09
The special acceptance meeting of the Shichuan River Project in Fuping County was held12-25
The Northwest Branch carries out winter fire safety training and emergency drills12-23
Dang Guangpu Innovation Studio of the Land Construction Survey and Planning Institute won the title of “Shaanxi Province Model Worker and Craftsman Talent Innovation Studio” in 201912-19
The construction of Huazhou Avenue (Huazhou Section) has entered a new stage of water-stabilized base layer paving12-18
The Institute of Land Construction Survey and Planning held a 2019 work experience exchange symposium12-18
Dijian Real Estate Group Company organizes special training on production safety business12-10
Dijian Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. carries out the "Major Investigation and Rectification of Potential Safety Hazards" activity11-29
The Geotechnical Survey Institute held a work promotion meeting11-27
Tongchuan Branch held a project discussion and exchange meeting with Chenggu County Government11-26
Weibei Branch held a special meeting on production safety11-19
Yan’an Branch studied dafabet casino mobile appand implemented the spirit of the conference “Ideological Emancipation and Enterprise Transformation and Upgrading—Rethinking the Group’s High-Quality Development under Global Innovation Ideas”11-18
The Land Construction Comprehensive Development Company held a special meeting on production safety11-15