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Han Jichang and Shi Gaoqi went to Shangluo Branch to inspect and guide the work06-01
Governor Liu Guozhong investigated the Shangluo Mountain Water, Forest, Field, Lake and Grass Comprehensive Management Demonstration Project06-01
Vice Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions Zhao Xia visited the Group Trade Union for investigation05-30
Zou Zhanye, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, visited the group company for investigation05-23
Han Jichang was invited to attend the Tongchuan New District Urban Water System Planning Plan Report Meeting05-21
The group trade union held the "Chinese Dream·Labor Beauty" employee speech contest05-18
Wen Pengfei, a pioneer who has taken root in the front line05-15
The 3rd Silk Road Expo Group signed 6 projects05-14
Building youth with ingenuity and taking root at the grassroots level with a "Hao" head05-11
Feng Zhili visited the Group’s Fuping pilot base for research and guidance05-10
Dang Guangpu’s new commitment05-10
Zhao Xia, Vice Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, led a team to the Weinan Branch of the Group for investigation and guidance05-09
The group company signed an industry-university-research cooperation agreement with China University of Mining and Technology05-08
Gou Jidong went to the Ishikawa River Comprehensive Regulation Project for investigation and inspection05-08
The group’s scientific research team was selected mobileinto the provincial “Sanqin Scholars” Innovation Team Support Program05-03