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Tang Hongjun went to Xi’an International Port Area for research project01-04
The group launches the second phase of financial training in 202212-30
The Land Construction Research Institute won the third prize in the national finals of the 2022 China Innovation Method Competition12-28
The group was approved for 9 Shaanxi Province 2023 Science and Technology Plan projects12-28
Press the "fast forward" button for the group's return to work12-26
Han Jichang went to Xianyang Branch to express condolences to frontline workers12-19
Han Jichang went to Jijian Nanshan (Fuping) Boutique Hotel to express condolences to frontline workers12-18
Han Jichang went to Yangling Innovation Center to express condolences to frontline workers12-18
Han Jichang went to Hanzhong Branch to inspect and guide the work12-14
Han Jichang went to Dijian Guantian Company to inspect and guide the work12-14
The Group Party Committee Inspection Team inspected the Xianyang Branch Party Committee Feedback Meeting held12-10
The Group Party Committee Inspection Team inspected the Dijian Guantian Company Party Committee Feedback Meeting held12-08
The Group Party Committee Inspection Team inspected the Zhongshan Agricultural Construction Group Party Committee Feedback Meeting held12-08
Secretary of the Party Committee of Fengxi New Town、Chen Mo, Director of the Management Committee, came to the Group for research and discussion12-07
The Group Party Committee Inspection Team inspected the Hanzhong Branch Party Committee Feedback Meeting held12-06