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Shaanxi Construction Group bravely served its employees and received a banner07-15
An employee of Shaanxi Construction Group was praised for his bravery in rescuing a child who fell into the water07-10
Shaanxi Land Construction gives full play to its advantages and characteristics to fully support the “14th National Games”09-28
The group organized a symposium on carbon neutral technology09-02
Mao Zhongan attended the joint meeting of Shangnan County Provincial Assistance Group07-09
Shangluo Branch、Weinan Branch went to Shuigou Village to jointly carry out the "Children's Heart to the Party",Happy Growth” theme activity06-02
Shangluo Branch carries out "Study of Party History、Practice your original intention,I do practical things for the masses” themed party day event05-21
Real Estate Group Company won the title of “Class A Taxpayer” in 202004-28
The Discipline Inspection Commission of the Land Construction Comprehensive Development Company carries out supervision and inspection work03-19
The Land Construction Survey and Planning Institute carries out voluntary grass planting activities03-12
Weibei Branch Party Committee carries out voluntary tree planting activities03-12
Weinan Branch participated in the 2021 Weinan City voluntary tree planting activity03-12
On the eve of the Spring Festival, Shangluo Branch sent condolences to the group’s "two-link-one-package" pairing to help poor households02-08
dafabet loginShangnan County Party Committee and County Government sent a letter of thanks to the group company02-07
The northwest branch construction project passed the state bureau’s acceptance01-09