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The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs organized and completed 12 provinces (districts)、City) Third National Crop Germplasm Resources Census Acceptance

Release date: 2023-03-23    Author: mobileSource:    Clicks: 1411   Share to:

Recent,The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is deployed in accordance with the Central Seed Industry Revitalization Action,Implementing the overall arrangement for the national census of agricultural germplasm resources,Organized and completed two batches of 12 provinces (districts)、City)’s Third National Crop Germplasm Resources Census Acceptance Work。Shanghai that passed the acceptance、Jiangsu、Zhejiang、Hainan、Fujian、Jiangxi、Hubei、Hainan、Guangdong、Guangxi、Hainan、12 provinces (regions) including Chongqing、City),The census work fully covers 709 agricultural counties within the jurisdiction,4 new resources collected.060,000 copies,Exceeded the number of planned tasks by 0.90,000 copies,Nearly 30% excess。

Provinces (districts)、Municipal) Party Committee、The government attaches great importance to the census, collection, protection and utilization of germplasm resources,Relevant units in various places strengthen organizational leadership,Develop a specific implementation plan,Refined target tasks、Clear time node、Strengthen the implementation of responsibilities。Organize experts to go deep into the front line,Strengthen technical guidance services,Ensuring the scientific and orderly advancement of the census,Created a number of replicable and popularizable experience models such as the “Duchang Experience” and “Rejuvenating the Country Model”,A large number of outstanding deeds and advanced individuals have emerged。All regions insist on simultaneous advancement of census dafabet mobile loginprotection,Collected and protected White Horse Tooth corn、Diling Hongnuo、Chengkou Cupping Persimmon、Nanjing Chai Jiao and other outstanding batches、Rare、Featured resources;Insist on simultaneous promotion of census utilization,Discovered Baojing Golden Tea、Peach Leaf Orange、Changshu golden corn、A number of excellent resources such as river reeds and millet are promoted and utilized,Remarkable economic and social benefits;Insist on simultaneous implementation of census publicity,Pearl corn、Yongxing 168964 cotton、A number of excellent resources such as wild large-fruited kiwi fruit have attracted widespread attention from the society,Increased public awareness of germplasm resources protection,To promote innovation in the seed industry,Promote rural revitalization,It is of great significance to ensure the stable and safe supply of food and important agricultural products。

2023 is the third year of the “three-year foundation” for the revitalization of the seed industry,It is also the final year of the national census of agricultural germplasm resources。Next step,The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will continue to monitor the remaining 19 provinces (districts)、City) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps census work carried out acceptance,Ensure the complete completion of resource collection tasks。Second half of the year,The "Third National Crop Germplasm Resources Census and Collection Action Status Report" will also be organized and released,Focus on the final results of this census,Including newly collected germplasm resources,Special、Protection and utilization of rare and mobileexcellent resources, etc.。