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The Third National Soil Census Work Plan

Release date: 2023-02-25    Author:    Source:    Clicks: 1488   Share to:

Provinces、Autonomous Region、Municipality、Office of the Leading Group for the Third Soil Census of Cities with Independent Planning and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (Department (Bureau) of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (Agriculture and Animal Husbandry)、Commission)),Beidahuang Agricultural Reclamation Group Co., Ltd.、Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Agricultural Reclamation:

Comply with the requirements of the "Notice of the State Council on Carrying out the Third National Soil Census" (Guofa [2022] No. 4),We organized and compiled the "Third National Soil Census Work Plan" together with the member units of the Third National Soil Census Leading Group of the State Council,Issuing now。Please ask all provinces (autonomous regions)、Municipality) in accordance with the requirements of the work plan,Based on the actual situation of the region,Organize the preparation of implementation plans for the region,Report to the Third National Soil Census Leading Group Office for filing by the end of June 2022。 


                     Office of the Third National Soil Census Leading Group of the State Council (Seal) 

                     February 17, 2022


The Third National Soil Census Work Plan 

According to the "Notice of the State Council on Carrying out the Third National Soil Census" (Guofa [2022] No. 4,hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") requirements,In order to ensure that the third national soil census (hereinafter referred to as the “Three Soil Censuses”) is carried out in a scientific and orderly manner,Develop this plan。 

1. The purpose and significance of the census 

Soil census is to identify soil types and distribution patterns,Important method to find out the quantity and quality of soil resources,Census results can provide scientific classification of soil、Planning Utilization、Improved fertilizer、Provide scientific support for protection and management,It can also provide decision-making basis for the formulation of major policies for economic, social and ecological construction。 

(1) Carrying out three soil surveys is an important foundation for guarding the red line of cultivated land and ensuring national food security。With economic and social development,Arableland occupation rigidity increases,We must further implement the responsibility for protecting cultivated land,Strictly observe the red line of cultivated land,Ensuring national food security,Need to find out the quantity and quality of cultivated land。It has been 40 years since the second national soil census (hereinafter referred to as the "Second Soil Census"),Relevant data cannot fully reflect the current soil quality of agricultural land,It is necessary to store food on the ground、Hiding food in technology strategy,Keep the red line of cultivated land,Need to find out the quality of farmland。Based on the fact that the third national land survey (hereinafter referred to as the "Three Land Surveys") has figured out the amount of cultivated land,There is an urgent need to carry out three soil surveys,Implementing “comprehensive physical examination” of farmland。 

(2) Carrying out three soil censuses is an important support for implementing high-quality development requirements and accelerating agricultural and rural modernization。Complete、Accurate、Comprehensively implement the new development concept,Promote green transformation and high-quality development of agricultural development,Save land and water resources,Promote agricultural products with abundant quantity and high quality,It is inseparable from the support of soil fertility and health indicator data。Promote variety cultivation、Quality improvement、Brand building and standardized production,Improve the quality and competitiveness of agricultural products,Need detailed soil characteristic index data to support。Guide farmers and new agricultural business entities to plant according to the soil、Fertilize the soil、Changing the land from the land,Improve agricultural production efficiency,Need soil nutrients and barrier indicator data to support。Develop modern agriculture,Promote the informatization of agricultural production and management、Precision,Need soil big data for support。 

(3) Carrying out three soil surveys is an important measure to protect the environment and promote the construction of ecological civilization。With urbanization、Rapid advancement of industrialization,A large amount of waste emissions directly or indirectly affects the soil quality of agricultural land: the area of ​​farmland soil acidification is expanding、increased,Enhanced activity of heavy metals in soil,Soil pollution trend is increasing,The quality and safety of agricultural products are threatened。Decreased soil biodiversity、Soil-borne diseases intensify,Restricting the multifunctional performance of soil。To fully control the country’s cultivated land、Garden、Woodland、Soil properties such as grassland、Soil suitability for farming, afforestation and grassland,Coordinate the production of soil、Environmental protection、Ecological and other functions,Promote "carbon neutrality",Need to carry out national soil census。 

(4) Carrying out three soil censuses is an effective way to optimize the layout of agricultural production and help revitalize rural industries。More people and less land are the basic national conditions of our country,Need to rationally utilize soil resources,Leverage regional comparative advantages,Optimizing agricultural production layout,Improve the utilization of water, soil, light, heat and other resources。Promote the implementation of the optimized agricultural, forestry and animal husbandry production layout proposed mobilein the “14th Five-Year Plan” for national economic and social development,Plant suitable for soil、Scientific crop rotation、Integration of agriculture and animal husbandry,Develop multiple industries according to local conditions,Achieving effective supply of food and important agricultural products、Keep food diverse,Promote the prosperity of rural industries and increase farmers’ income and become rich,Need basic soil survey data to support。 

2. Census ideas and goals 

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Comprehensively implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and all 19th Plenary Sessions,In-depth implementation of the Party Central Committee、Decision-making and deployment of the State Council on the protection and construction of cultivated land and the construction of ecological civilization;Follow the comprehensiveness of the soil census、Scientific、Principle of professionalism,The connection has achieved results,Learn from past experience and practices,Insist on understanding the soil quality and improving the soil type、Combining soil properties survey and soil use survey、Combining field investigation and observation with in-house testing and testing、Combining soil surface sampling with key profile collection、Combining understanding of soil obstacle factors and proposing improved fertilizer measures、Combining government leadership and professional support,Unified Census Work Platform、Unified Technical Regulations、Unified working base map、Unified planning and layout of sampling points、Unified screening test and laboratory professional organization、Unified process quality control;In accordance with "unified leadership、Department collaboration、Grade Responsible、Organization and implementation method of “participation of all parties”,Achieve national arable land control by 2025、Garden、Woodland、"Comprehensive physical examination" of grassland and other soil,Find out the background of soil quality,To protect the red line of cultivated land、Protect the ecological environment、Optimizing agricultural production layout、Laying a solid foundation for promoting high-quality agricultural development。 

3. Census objects and contents 

(1) Census objects。Cultivated land nationwide、Garden、Woodland、Soil from grassland and other agricultural land and some unused land。where,Woodland、Grassland focuses on land related to food production,Focus on unused land survey related to cultivated land resources,Such as saline-alkali land, etc.。 

(2) Census contents。Includes soil properties census、Soil type census、Census of soil site conditions、Soil utilization census、Construction of soil database and soil sample library、Soil quality status analysis、Consolidation and summary of census results, etc.。Based on improving the soil classification system and checking and supplementing soil types,Focus on the survey of soil physical and chemical properties,Update and improve national soil basic data,Construct soil database and sample library,Carry out data collation and review、Analysis and results summary。Find out different ecological conditions、Soil quality and its degradation and obstacles in different utilization types,Find out the soil characteristics of the origin of specialty agricultural products、Arable land reserve resource soil quality、Typical regional soil environment and biodiversity, etc.,Comprehensively investigate the soil quality of agricultural land。 

  1. Soil Properties Survey。By soil sample collection and testing,Census soil color、Texture、Organic matter、PH、Nutritional status、Test weight、Porosity、Heavy metals and other soil physics、Chemical indicators,And trace elements to meet the production of advantageous and characteristic agricultural products;Census of plant roots in typical areas、Animal activities、Number of microorganisms、Type、Distribution and other soil biological indicators。 

  2. Soil type census。Based on the classification results of the second soil census,Through on-the-spot investigation、Verify and supplement the soil type through cross-section observation and other methods。At the same time,Excavation through soil profile,Focus on the hourglass in the 1-meter soil profile、Gravel、sticky pan、Shajiang、White paste、Obstacle types such as alkali layer、Distribution level, etc.。 

  3. Census of soil site conditions。Focus on the topography and landforms of the area where the soil field survey sampling points are located、Vegetation Type、Climate、Hydrogeology and other conditions。 

  4. Soil utilization census。Combined sample sampling,Key census infrastructure conditions、Planting system、Farming methods、Irrigation and drainage facilities、Basic information such as plant growth and crop yield levels,Fertilizer、Pesticides、Usage of agricultural film and other inputs,Agricultural operators carry out soil fertilization improvement、Practices and experiences in returning crop straw to fields。 

  5. Soil database construction。Establishing standardization、Normalized soil spatial and attribute database。Spatial database includes soil type map、Soil quality map、Soil Utilization Suitability Evaluation Chart、Topography map、Soil obstacles and degradation。Attribute database includes soil properties、Soil obstacles and degradation、Soil utilization and other indicators。Soil data management centers can be established where conditions permit,Summary management of data results。 

  6. Soil sample library construction。Relying on scientific research and education units,Constructing national and provincial soil profile samples、Soil sample storage and display library,Preserve soil profile specimens and samples of major soil type samples and major soil genera。Cities and counties with conditions can establish soil sample storage libraries。 

  7. Soil quality status analysis。Soil physical, chemical and biological properties obtained through census、Basic data such as profile characteristics and utilization,Analyze soil quality,Evaluate soil suitability。 

  8. Summary of census results。A summary of the results of organized and graded soil census,Including drawing results、Data results、Text results and database results。Carry out soil quality status、Soil improvement and utilization、Summary analysis of data results such as optimization of agricultural, forestry and animal husbandry production layout。Carry out analysis of national soil change trends and causes over the past 40 years,Propose measures to prevent soil degradation。Carry out black soil farmland degradation、Special evaluation of cultivated land soil salinity and acidification,Propose management and restoration strategies。 

IV. Census technical routes and methods 

Take two soil surveys、Three adjustments to the country、Detailed investigation on soil pollution status of agricultural land across the country、Agricultural Census、Cultivated land quality survey and evaluation、dafabet mobile appBased on the relevant results formed by the National Forest Resources Inventory Fixed Sample Plot System and other work,With remote sensing technology、Geographic Information System、GPS、Model simulation technology、Modern experimental analysis technology and other scientific and technological support,Coordinate the existing work platform、System and other resources,Establishing a unified working platform for three soil surveys,Realizing intelligent management of the entire census work;Unified Technical Regulations,Achieve standardization、Normalization operation;Based on the second soil map、Topography map、Situation Map of Land Use in Three Land Adjustments、Based on detailed survey of soil pollution status in agricultural land across the country, location map, etc.,Prepare the unified work base map of the three soil surveys;Based on soil type、Topography、Land use status type, etc.,Refer to the detailed investigation points of soil pollution status in agricultural land across the country、Fixed sample plots for national forest resources inventory and other field survey sampling points are planned and arranged uniformly on the working base map;According to testing qualifications、Basic conditions、Detection capabilities, etc.,National professional organization for unified screening and testing,Standardize the establishment of test indicators and methods;Tracking and management through “one point one code”,Build a unified quality control system covering the entire census process;Relying on the three soil survey working platforms,Carry out data analysis and results summary at the national and provincial levels respectively;Realize the standardization of three soil censuses、Specialization、Intelligent,Science、Specification、Promote census work efficiently。 

  1. Building platform。Utilizing remote sensing、Geographic information and global positioning technology、Model simulation technology and spatial visualization technology, etc.,Unified construction of three soil survey working platforms,Build task distribution、Quality Control、Progress control and other work management modules,Sample sample、Indicator threshold and other data storage module,Data classification analysis and summary module, etc.。 

  2. Make base map。Using the second soil soil map、Topography map,Situation Map of Land Use in Three Land Adjustments、The latest administrative division map and other information,Unified production of three soil survey work base maps that meet the needs of different levels。 

  3. Place sample points。On the soil survey work base map,According to topography、Soil type、Differentiated sample areas divided into different land use types,Refer to the detailed survey points on the pollution status of agricultural land across the country、National forest resources inventory fixed sample plots, etc.,Use the "grid method" to lay out soil field survey sampling points in the sample area;Deploy profile sample points according to typical areas of major soil species (soil genera)。Connect with other completed special investigations,Ensure the identity of relevant survey sampling points。Sampling samples are carried out "one point, one code",As a field survey sample、The only information traceability code for census work such as internal testing and laboratory testing。 

  4. Survey sampling。Provincial unified organization to carry out field surveys and sampling。According to the uniformly arranged sample points and survey tasks,According to unified sampling standards,Determine the specific sampling point,Survey site conditions and soil use information,Collect surface soil samples、Typical representative section sample, etc.。Surface soil samples are mixed and sampled according to the "S" type or plum blossom type method,Profile samples are collected from the entire section or stratified sampling。 

  5. Test assay。Based on national standards、Based on industry standards and modern laboratory analysis technology,Standardize the unified sample preparation and testing methods for the three soil surveys。where,The testing method of heavy metal indicators is consistent with the detailed investigation of soil pollution in agricultural land across the country。Carry out standardization pre-processing,Physics of soil samples、Batch testing of chemical and other indicators。Fully connect existing special survey data,The same point has laboratory results that meet the requirements of the three soil surveys,No more testing of corresponding indicators。Select a typical area,Using soil earthworms、Morphological identification methods and high-throughput sequencing technology for nematodes and other animals,Conduct soil biological indicator test。 

  6. Data summary。According to the national unified database standard,Establish a hierarchical database。In provinces,Using internal and external integrated data collection and database building mechanism and mobile Internet technology,Perform data summary,Form a set space、Properties、Documentation、Pictures、A three-dimensional soil survey database integrating images and other information。 

  7. Quality check。Unified Technical Regulations,Using three soil survey work platforms to carry out full-process management and control,Establish national and local random inspection review and expert evaluation system。Implementing "electronic fence" track management for field survey and sampling,Sample code traceability;Testing and assay quality control uses parallel samples、Blind sample、Standard sample、Flight inspection and other means,Grade review of laboratory data;Data review uses set indicator thresholds for quality control,Step-by-step acceptance of results。 

  8. Achievements Summary。Using modern statistical methods, etc.,To soil properties、Soil degradation and obstacles、Analysis of soil utilization and other data;Digital mapping using digital soil models and other methods,Concise and summarize results。 

5. Main results of the census 

(1) Data results。Form national soil types、Soil physical and chemical and typical regional biological character index data list,Generating soil degradation and obstacles data,Specialty agricultural products area、Saline-alkali land survey and other special survey soil data,Soil area data suitable for different land use types, etc.。 

(2) Digital map results。Form a map of classified census results,Mainly includes national soil type map,Soil Nutrient Map,Soil quality map,Arable land saline-alkali、Distribution map of soil degradation caused by acidification,Soil utilization suitability distribution map,Thematic survey map of soil in specialty agricultural product production areas, etc.。 

(3) Text results。Generate various text reports,Mainly includes the three soil survey work reports、Technical Report,National soil utilization suitability (suitable for cultivated land、Garden、Forestland and grassland use) evaluation report,Cultivated land nationwide、Garden、Woodland、Grassland Quality Report,Northeast dafabet casino mobile appBlack Land、Saline-alkali land、Improvement and utilization of acidified farmland、Special report on regional soil characteristics of specialty agricultural products。 

(4) Database results。Formation set soil census data、National level such as pictures and text、Provincial soil three census database,Mainly includes soil properties database、Soil Degradation and Obstacles Database、Soil utilization and other special databases。 

(5) Sample library results。form standardization、Intelligent national and provincial soil sample library、Typical soil profile specimen library。 

6. Census Organization and Implementation 

(1) Organizational method 

Soil census is an important survey of national conditions and strength,Wide scope、Many participating departments、Heavy work tasks、High technical requirements。The three soil surveys are carried out in accordance with "unified leadership、Department collaboration、Grade Responsible、Organize and implement with the participation of all parties。The State Council’s Third National Soil Census Leading Group was established at the national level,Responsible for unified leadership,Coordinate and implement relevant measures,Supervise the census work to advance as planned。Office under the leading group (affiliated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs),Responsible for organizing and implementing census-related work,Regularly report census progress to the leading group;Responsible for organizing and formulating the three soil survey work plans、Technical Regulations、Technical standards, etc.;Responsible for technical guidance in organizing the national census、Provincial census technical training and provincial census quality inspection;Responsible for organizing and establishing the three soil survey working platforms、Database,Collect and submit census reports, etc.。 

Provinces (autonomous regions)、Municipality) Establishes the Provincial People's Government's Third Soil Census Leading Group (Subordinate Office),Responsible for the province (autonomous region)、Organization and implementation of soil census work in municipalities directly under the Central Government,Carry out county-based census。Based on this work plan and the three soil survey technical regulations,Based on the actual situation of this province,Preparation of soil census implementation plan,Clear organization method、Team formation、Technical training、Progress arrangement, etc.,Report to the Third National Soil Census Leading Group Office of the State Council for filing and then be implemented。Provinces (autonomous regions)、Municipality Three Soil Census Leading Group Office is specifically responsible for the implementation of soil census work in this region、Quality inspection and results acceptance, etc.。 

(2) Schedule 

Start three soil surveys in 2022,Carry out census pilot;Comprehensive census in 2023-2024;Achievements summary in 2025、Acceptance、Summary。Complete the census work during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period,form census results and report to the State Council。 

  1. Carry out three soil survey pilot projects in 2022 

Census notice issued,Establish organizational structure,Comprehensive mobilization and deployment,Issue work plan and technical regulations,Building a census work platform,Check and improve the soil classification map formed by the second soil survey,Improving the census base map,Complete the layout of field sampling points。In 31 provinces (autonomous regions、More than 80 counties in municipalities) carry out pilot projects,Verification and improvement of three soil survey technical routes、Methods and technical procedures,Improving working mechanism,Train technical team。Start and complete the saline-alkali land census。 

(1) Mobilization and deployment。Implement the requirements of the "Notice",Convened a video and telephone conference to mobilize and deploy in the name of the Third National Soil Census Leading Group of the State Council,Issue work plan,Officially launched the three soil survey work。 

(2) Select pilot counties。In 31 provinces (autonomous regions) nationwide、More than 80 counties in municipalities) carry out pilot projects,Verification and improvement of three soil survey technical routes、Methods and technical procedures,Improving working mechanism,Train technical team。Promote the national saline-alkali land census to be carried out as a priority and completed before the end of the year。 

(3) Carry out pilot training。Provinces (autonomous regions)、Municipality) Establishes a provincial-level soil survey technical expert group and a professional field survey and sampling team,And organize technical training、Business training、Quality control, etc.。 

(4) Do a good job in pilot work。According to the census work content、Technical route、Technical Regulations、Technical methods、Work manual and other requirements,Complete the pilot tasks in all aspects。 

(5) Improve the working mechanism。Summary of pilot work experience,Improving the technical regulations for three soil surveys、Working platform, etc.,Strengthen organizational security,Consolidate the responsibilities of all parties,Implement census conditions,Strengthen publicity and mobilization。 

  2. Comprehensively carry out three soil surveys from 2023 to 2024 

Carry out multi-level technical training guidance,Complete field survey sampling and in-house testing and testing in different time periods,Strengthen quality control,Carry out the construction of soil census database and sample library,forming phased results。 

(1) Carry out technical training guidance。Organize census technical experts to apply the soil census work platform、Survey sampling、Test assay、Data summary, etc.,Technical training guidance is carried out in different categories and levels、Quality control, etc.。 

(2) Organize field survey and sampling。Each province organizes professional teams,Rely on county support,Deploy sample points according to unified,Carry out field surveys and sampling during slack periods in strict accordance with relevant technical specifications,Fill in relevant information online in real time,Scientific storage and transportation according to relevant standards、Distribute samples to testing units and storage units。Complete all field survey and sampling work before the end of November 2024。 

(3) Organize in-house testing and testing。Testing and laboratory institutions follow unified testing standards、Detection method,Carry out sample testing,Fill in the test results online in real time。Complete all in-house testing and laboratory tasks before the end of 2024。 

(4) Organize spot checks。According to work progress,National and provincial technical expert groups conduct field surveys and sampling respectively、Spot inspection and verification work of core links such as internal testing and laboratory testing,And carry out supplementary and improvement work based on the results of spot checks。 

3. The results of three soil censuses will be formed in 2025 

National and provincial organizations carry out basic soil data、Soil profile survey data and specimens、Review of soil use data、Summary and analysis。Draw professional drawings,Write census report,Form data、Text、Pictures、Database、Sample database and other census results are shared with relevant departments。Complete the national cultivated land quality report and soil utilization suitability evaluation report,And the dafabet casino mobile appBlack Land、Saline-alkali land、Special report on the improvement and utilization of acidified farmland,Comprehensive summary of census work。First half of 2025,Complete sorting out census results、System Planning,Summary to form the basic data of the third national soil census;Second half of the year,Complete soil census database and sample library,Complete acceptance of census results、Convergence and summary,Form a national cultivated land quality report and soil utilization suitability evaluation report。 

7. Census safeguard measures 

(1) Organizational guarantee。The national soil census is carried out in an orderly manner under the unified leadership of the Third National Soil Census Leading Group of the State Council and the specific organization and promotion of the Census Leading Group Office。Member units of the leadership group must perform their respective duties、Everyone is responsible、Work together、Close cooperation,Strengthen technical guidance、Information Sharing、Quality Control、Funding and material support and other work。Provincial people's governments are the main body responsible for soil survey work in their respective regions,We must strengthen organizational leadership、System Planning、Coordinated promotion,Ensure high-quality completion of census tasks。Local people’s governments at all levels should establish corresponding census leading groups and offices,Responsible for the organization and implementation of census work in the region。 

(2) Technical support。The Office of the Third National Soil Census Leading Group of the State Council strengthens the formulation of technical regulations、Technical training、Technical guidance,As well as related technical team system establishment and other technical support work。Establish an expert consultation and guidance group and a technical working group,Under the leadership of the leadership team and office,Responsible for basic theories related to soil census、Technical principles,And consultation on major technical problems、Guidance and technical control, etc.。Provinces (autonomous regions)、Municipality) establishes a provincial technical expert group,And establish a professional team system involving provincial technical expert groups and grassroots technology promotion agencies at all levels,Undertake field surveys and sampling work at the county level in the region。 

(3) Funding Guarantee。Soil census funds are shared by the central finance and local finance according to the tasks undertaken。The central government is responsible for the formulation of national technical regulations、Platform system construction、Working base map production、Sample point planning and layout, etc.;Responsible for technical training at the national level、Expert guidance service、Spot check of internal testing and laboratory results、Data analysis and results summary, etc.。The local government is responsible for field survey and sampling in the region、In-house testing and testing、Technical training、Expert guidance service、Data analysis、Result summary and database sample library construction, etc.。Local people’s governments at all levels must make arrangements according to work progress,Include funds into the corresponding annual budget to ensure it,And strengthen supervision and audit。All localities can coordinate existing funding channels to support soil survey-related work in accordance with regulations。 

(4) Publicity and guidance。Via Newspaper、TV、Broadcast、Internet and other media and self-media and other channels,Vigorously promote soil census for farmland protection and construction,Promote the quality and safety of agricultural products,Promote high-quality development of agriculture,Supporting the implementation of the “grain storage in the ground” strategy,Consolidate the foundation of national food security,Promote rural revitalization,Promote the construction of ecological civilization,The importance of achieving the goal of “carbon neutrality”,Raise the whole society’s awareness of the importance of the three soil survey work。Carefully guide public opinion,Actively respond to hot issues of social concern,Create a good external environment。 

(5) Security。Strictly implement the national information security system,Establish and implement a confidentiality responsibility system for census work,Ensuring census information security。