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March 17 morning,I was honored to participate in the Second Congress of the Communist Party of China Shaanxi Provincial Land Engineering Construction Group Co., Ltd.,Comrade Han Jichang wrote "Smoothing the Roughness and Becoming a Great Road Search for a New Journey" Work Report,This is a practical request、Advance with the times、Pioneering report,Inspiring、Inspiring people to make progress。The report highly summarizes the past six extraordinary years,Group companies seize opportunities、Overcome difficulties、dafabet casino mobile apppressurize and advance、Forge ahead,The group company has achieved great results in various business areas、Achievements。Secretary Han pointed out the direction for the group’s goals in the next five years,High-quality development of the group company is a general requirement for our work,It also provides us, the broad masses of party members, with space to display their talents。The following is combined with my own work,Talk about my experience and understanding in the learning process。

1. Set the correct goal and work hard

We plan the mission,We must grasp the situation、Accurate analysis,Set reasonable goals,Only in order to be targeted。The "14th Five-Year Plan" is the first five-year planning period for our country to embark on a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country,This is an important period for our province to strive to write a new era, catch up and surpass a new chapter,This is also a critical period for our group to build a "valuable enterprise"。As an engineering technician,You should demand yourself with a high sense of responsibility dafabet mobile appand mission,Work hard to achieve this goal,Continuously improve business level,Work hard,Do your job well in a down-to-earth manner,Forge ahead,Making tangible work achievements。

2. Continuously learn and improve work ability

Secretary Han’s report from the guiding ideology,To work target,The development strategy, work tasks and measures all reflect the characteristics of high-quality development leadership,The dazzling bright spot of "valuable enterprise"。Always remember that you are a member of the Communist Party of China in your future work,Continuous learning at work,Study science seriously、Cultural and business knowledge,Use a scientific perspective to treat problems and challenges encountered at work,Only in order to continuously advance with the times,Improve yourself。

3. Be dedicated to your job and strive to catch up and surpass

The grand development blueprint explains the situation and development opportunities,Strive to write a new chapter of catching up and transcending,Starting a new starting point to achieve a new leap forward in striving to rise。Love and dedication、 mobileContinuous innovation、Dare to surpass,In order to open up a new world,Create greater glory;At the same time,Only with a sense of urgency that “can’t wait”,The sense of crisis that “cannot be slow”,The sense of responsibility that “can’t sit still”,Overcoming difficulties and forging ahead、Dare to catch and dare to try,Only in response to challenges can we win opportunities、Win the initiative、Win the future。

The group party congress unites people's hearts、Build morale、Realistic and innovative、Congress of unity and progress,Proposed expectations and visions for the future of the group,Very inspiring,Inspiring and uplifting,At the same time, it makes people feel a heavy responsibility。As an employee of the company,I must firmly grasp this development opportunity,Based on one’s own responsibilities,Clear work ideas,Adapt to development requirements,Seriously implement it in work practice,Completely complete all goals and tasks,Welcoming the 100th anniversary of the Party with outstanding achievements。