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The leaders of Tongchuan Institute of Agricultural Sciences came to Tongchuan Branch for exchanges and discussions03-26
The Land Construction Research Institute held a review meeting and academic seminar to reveal the results of organic fertilizer research and development03-26
Xianyang Branch、Shaanxi Guo Industry Company jointly carries out volunteer service activities03-22
Shangluo Branch carries out comprehensive special inspection in the first quarter03-22
Hanzhong Branch organizes exchange training on building exterior wall construction technology03-22
The Discipline Inspection Commission of Shangluo Branch went to Shuigou Village, Guofenglou Town, Shangnan County to carry out special supervision and inspection03-22
Shangluo Branch went to Shuigou Village, Guofenglou Town, Shangnan County to carry out a series of activities to learn from Lei Fengyue03-21
Shangluo Branch organized a special meeting on production safety03-21
Weinan Branch participated in the Weinan City Soil Survey and Sampling Quality Review Promotion Meeting03-21
Deputy Secretary of Shangluo Municipal Party Committee、Mayor Wang Qingfeng held an on-site meeting on the improvement of municipal supporting facilities around the Yunlu project under construction03-20
Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Hanzhong Municipal People’s Congress、Hu Xinli, Secretary of the Chenggu County Party Committee, went to Chenggu Binjiang New City Project to investigate03-20
The Land Construction Research Institute and Land Construction Guantian Company held a scientific research symposium on mobileQianhe Water Ecological Comprehensive Management Project03-20
The Land Construction Research Institute jointly organized thematic research activities03-15
The 2023 high-standard farmland construction project in Zhenan County, Shangluo City has started construction03-15
Shaanxi Qinjin Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. successfully won the bid for the general contracting of the 2023 high-standard farmland construction project in Shangzhou District, Shangluo City03-15