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Weibei Branch launches "Learn from Lei Feng and Donate Used Clothes" volunteer activity03-13
The Land Construction Research Institute jointly organized thematic research activities03-12
Weinan Branch held a special meeting on work promotion in 202403-12
The opening ceremony of Shaanxi Qinsong Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.’s first market-oriented home improvement order was successfully held03-12
Weinan Branch’s land consolidation project successfully passed the project review03-09
Ankang Branch organized a theme skills competition03-07
The Land Construction Research Institute organized a 2024 target and responsibility decomposition meeting03-07
Xianyang Branch organizes legal education and movie viewing activities03-06
Dijian Guantian Company held a study and exchange meeting on farmland quality protection and occupation-compensation balance policy03-06
Northwest Branch holds 2024 annual work meeting03-05
Weinan Branch、Shangluo Branch jointly held a study and exchange meeting on farmland quality protection policies03-04
Zhongshan Agricultural Construction Group holds 2024 work promotion meeting03-02
Shaanxi Qinjin Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. successfully won the bid for the general contracting construction of Shangnan County’s 2023 high-standard farmland construction project03-01
Weibei Branch organized the 2024 annual work meeting03-01
A delegation from Shaanxi University of Science and Technology went to dafabet casino mobile appHanzhong Branch for exchange and discussion03-01