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Hanzhong Branch carried out the "cool and condolences to warm people's hearts, work fast to promote development" activity to send cool things down06-21
Yan'an Branch jointly carried out "Safety Production Month" special fire protection knowledge training and emergency drill activities06-21
Dijian Real Estate Group organizes fire safety emergency drills06-19
Dijian Real Estate Group organized and carried out “6.16 Safety Publicity and Consultation Day” series of activities06-19
The Land Construction Research Institute held an academic seminar on "Ecological Restoration and Human Settlements Improvement under the Background of Rural Revitalization"06-19
Ankang Branch held a special event of "Safety Production Month"06-17
The Land Construction Research Institute organized the “Safety Publicity and Consultation Day” event06-16
Tongchuan Branch participated in the 2023 "Safety Production Month" Publicity and Consultation Day in Yaozhou District, Tongchuan City06-16
Weibei Branch carries out "Safety Production Month" fire safety training and emergency drills06-16
Guangtai Consulting Company launches "Safety Production Month" theme education and publicity activities06-15
Shangluo Branch held the launching ceremony of the 2023 "Safety Production Month" event06-14
Northwest Branch、Weibei Branch jointly organized the 2023 "Safety Production Month" themed event06-14
The anniversary celebration of Dijian Nanshan (Fufeng) Hot Spring Hotel was successfully held06-14
The Institute of Geological Survey and Planning visited the First Topographic Survey Team of the Ministry of Natural Resources to study06-13
dafabet mobile appThe research team of the Foreign Cooperation and Exchange Office of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology visited Qinchuangyuan Western (Xianyang) Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Bay for investigation06-10