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Wang Shuguang went to the Northwest Branch to inspect and guide the work06-11
Han Jichang went to the local construction and development company to inspect and guide the work06-09
Wang Shuguang went to the local construction and development company to inspect and guide the work06-09
President of Xi'an University of Technology Liu Yunhe and his delegation came to the group company for investigation06-08
Tang Hongjun went to the local construction and development company to inspect and guide the work06-07
The Group’s Discipline Inspection Commission organized a business training meeting for discipline inspection and supervision cadres06-04
The Group Party Committee held the 2021 annual inspection work mobilization and deployment meeting06-04
The Group Association for Science and Technology organized the spirit presentation of the 10th National Congress of the China Association for Science and Technology06-03
Ma Yun, Director of the Weinan Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee, and his delegation visited the Huashan Qingxin Hot Spring Hotel project to investigate06-02
Wang Shuguang went to Hanzhong Branch Party Committee to investigate and teach special party courses on party history study and education06-02
The group’s 2021 “Safety Production Month” activity is launched06-01
Comrade Zhang Yang attended the 10th National Congress of the China Association for Science and Technology05-31
The group launches thematic labor and skills competition05-27
Han Jichang and Deputy Secretary of Shangluo Municipal Party Committee、Mayor Zheng Guangguang’s discussion05-26
Han Jichang went to Fuping Four Seasons Sunshine dafabet mobile appHotel project inspection and guidance05-26