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Tang Hongjun went to the local construction and development company to inspect and guide the work05-24
Han Jichang went to Yan'an New District for inspection and guidance on the urban cultural tourism complex (hotel group) project05-24
Mao Zhongan visits Tongchuan Municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Mayor Li Zhiyuan05-21
Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Department of Natural Resources、Director Xue Jianxing investigates and guides the Western (Xianyang) Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Bay Project05-19
China Railway First Bureau came to the group for inspection and exchange05-19
The group launches 2021 accounting continuing education and special training on fiscal and taxation policies05-19
The group held a mid-term seminar on industry standards05-17
The group holds special training on standards writing05-17
The Western (Xianyang) Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Bay Project Planning Plan Demonstration and Review Meeting was held05-14
The 17th Circuit Steering Group of the Provincial Party Committee Party History Study and Education came to the group to supervise the party history study and education work05-14
Gao Wang and his delegation went to Weinan Branch to conduct research and guidance05-13
China Railway 14th Bureau came to the group for inspection and exchange05-13
Wang Dongfang, associate professor of China University of Political Science and Law, came to the group for research and discussion05-13
Mao Zhongan attended the 2021 Shaanxi-Taiwan dafabet loginEconomic and Trade Cooperation Project Promotion Conference05-12
The Group Party Committee held a series of party class lectures titled "Party Committee Secretary Lectures on Party History".05-11